Saturday, January 25, 2014


UPDATE: I received an unconfirmed report that the town workers will receive a raise to $35.00 per hour in their new contract proposal.

I believe that I can speak on the proposed strike by some Town of Fort Erie workers, having been employed by a labor union and as a graduate of Cornell University's Labor Studies Program.

The threat of a strike is one tool that unions use to impress on the employer that they need to come to the bargaining table with a better offer. According to an article from The Times's Sarah Ferguson. (Must be tough for her to report on the demands of full-time town employees who make $26.50 an hour when she barely making minimum wage.)  Unions will do that: get more money and better benefits for the employees whom they represent.

Of course, a lot of people call them greedy which is laughable in this day when bank executives and other high end corporate heads pocket millions of dollars while cheating the little guy down the food chain.  Is it greedy to demand better wages? No, I don't think so.  To actually go on strike is another matter altogether. I see that the union is asking for a conciliation officer to come in on the negotiations. Excellent idea. I was an observer of negotiations between the union I worked for as an organizer and the large company many years ago.  The negotiations broke down and a trigger happy local went out on strike, despite warnings from the international union to accept the settlement already accepted by every other bargaining unit in the company. We were out for seven, long and difficult months. What I learned is that any strike should be an absolute last resort and, if a strike takes place, it should end within a couple of days. Otherwise, it's a lose, lose situation. 

I do hope that the parties are able to come to an agreement soon.

Now, of course, the "others" have somehow managed to blame the four councillors for the strike threat. Such morons. Obviously, they know nothing about labour-management relations and negotiations.  But there's a lot they don't know about, especially what was going on in Fort Erie prior to 2010 when they finally decided to get in the game - that being hate blogging.  Prior to 2010, the town did a number of foolish things. We remember a pledge of close to $300,000 to the EDTC in order for it to pay a non-refundable deposit on the Fort Erie Race Track. And how did that work out? I hear that Rick Shular thinks this is a still stellar idea to save the race track. Huh?  Did I hear that right? 

Those of us who have good memories also remember that the town tried to sell off the north section of the Bay Beach Properties in order to fund a section of the Friendship Trail. A petition and the election of a young man who spearheaded the petition caused the then mayor, Wayne Redekop to re-think his stance on the property. In 2005, the council of the day voted to retain all the properties in the public's hands. It wasn't until shortly after the new mayor and council of 2006 chose to endorse Rino Mostacci's idea to get a developer to come in and submit proposals for the Bay Beach Properties that the issue came to the forefront again. As if all those people who signed the first petition in 2003 would suddenly go away and forget about the issue. Did not happen. Redekop later described the public owning of the properties as part of a "birthright" of the people of the town when he publicly urged council to rethink the deal it made with the Molinaros that would allow them to construct two (later scaled down to one) high rise towers on the public land fronting the public beach. 

Some things are worth fighting for and the preservation of the Bay Beach Properties as public land is a worthy fight. It has cost a lot of people a lot - not just money. Four councillors have been harassed and now sued for their stance on the property; I've been sued by the GM of the EDTC and harassed by numerous police "complaints" by the other bloggers and others have suffered through character assassination and wild rumours spread throughout town by these lowlifes.

And it all goes back to a piece of waterfront property, bought from the Rebstocks with the intention of turning it into a fine beachfront park. 

Just think of where this town would be if not for that. 


  1. And the common thread through this labour dispute, Bay Beach, shunted economic recovery, neighbour vs neighbour and not yet a single positive result is the Martin/Thibert reign.
    Look at the facts Fort Erie. Every example of real progress has been in spite of their collective actions.
    Any objective review of their policies, any examination of their goals, at every real opportunity for advancement these two men have led us to failure!
    Ladies and gentlemen it's time to call it what it is.

  2. Overheard in Toronto Mayor's Office

    Aid) Doug Martin is on the phone sir

    Rob Ford) Done Deal Dougie from Fort Erie?

    Aid) Yes sir

    Rob Ford) Tell him I'm out. THAT DUDE IS F#@KED UP!

  3. The "others" are talking about how much money the four councillors have cost the town. Guess they forgot about the hundreds of thousands the losing candidates and town lackeys cost the taxpayers. Remember the Compliance Audits after the election? All that money produced nothing except a couple of cautions.

    Marina Butler filed against John Hill
    Martha Lockwood filed against Don Lubberts
    Larry Graber filed against Paul Collard
    Mike Cloutier and Shawn Chesney against Ann Marie Noyes

    Of course, Richard Berry filed against Stephen Passero
    Richard Berry and John Gilmour against Doug Martin
    (Filed after the others?)

    Funny thing is that Marina Butler is running against John Hill this time; Martha Lockwood is lobbying to get her service club to donate $1000. to Tim Whitfiled (the guy who is suing the four councillors for conflict of interest); Larry Graber is planning to run against Paul Collard - again and Mike Cloutier has been living off the largess (and free drinks) of the Old Boys Club.

    1. The "others" also claim that the existing bay beach snack shack would have been demolished by molinaro at no charge.
      Again just another example of how this handful of political hack need to be's will fabricate fairy tales in order to further mislead their misled members.
      Is it any wonder why so many of their banner wavers windup banned, busted, and broke?

  4. Corrected Rant:

    And, they also fail to mention that the mean-spirited attack on the four, in the form of a lawsuit for conflict-of-interest is going to cost the taxpayers dearly since poor loser Tim Whitfield apparently hasn't any money. His house is gone (What is taking so long for the final determination of how the fire was started?); his wife is gone; and he has no business any more. Yet he signed on to this vendetta of the mayor and two councillors against four councillors who were elected by comfortable majorities (unlike the mayor who won by a mere five votes.) Anyone outside this area who looks at the lawsuit must think that the mayor has something personal against the four.

    Let's talk about how much the four cost taxpayers while a multi-thousand dollar lawsuit sits in court. This political retribution will cost the taxpayers dearly. There's an election coming up in a few months. That is where the people can decide whether their elected representatives deserve another term or not.

    I caution the ninjas by quoting US senator and minority leader Mitch McConnell shortly after Barack Obama was elected president in 2008: "For the next four years, we will do everything in our power to see that Barack Obama does not get a second term," We all know how that worked out despite unprecedented attempts to undermine the president.

    Yeah, you wanna talk about money wasted? How about that "deal: to buy the racetrack with the pledge of $300,000 non refundable deposit paid for by the taxpayers. How about the $2 million from the tourism minister that went right to the racetrack? How about the $25,000. suit against me by Jim Thibert? What did that accomplish? It seems that a lot of taxpayer money has been spent to shut up the people of this community. Martin and friends just cannot stand that their carefully crafted agenda is being messed up by the will of the people.

  5. anyone recall the "economic impact" of the 1812 bi-centennial cash grab?
    as in who got what ? where it went? & how much?

    can you say amnesia ?

  6. -10 plus years at approx 600k/year = 6 MILLION$$$$ to employ a grossly inept old boy at the EDTC

    -Thibert fighting transparency requests = ???$$$ (by the way jimbo thats your job to be transparent as it's public money)

    - almost 2.7 million dollar beach (in trade for a shitter in the sand, outstanding work doug!! why did you do it??? rhetorical question)

    -13 OMB appeals costing the Taxpayer huge $$$$$ in lawyers etc(to say nothing of what it cost private individuals) when the vast majority of locals were very clear they didnt want anything but a nice beach

    -Martin sueing his own council (WTF!!)......costing us big $$$ for lawyers on both sides at hundreds $$ an hour times how many hours an hours an hours = BIG $$$$

    - Martin fighting AMN on a 5 vote recount = big lawyer $$$ again (Thorold's incumbent in the identical situation readily agreed to a recount stating it was way too close, not our clown, he fights an obvious common sense decision)(oh did I mention that ballot boxes were opened!!)

    This is only what is common knowledge!! What about all the other crappy little backroom deals that are a part of how politics is conducted here for at least the last several decades??

    Want to see who are the biggest benefactors or wannabe's are in all this?? Just attend the Dougie/Jimbo State of Fort Erie breakfast coming soon (aka How to Manipulate the Public Trough to your Best Benefit breakfast). 18$ for members 22$ for the inquisitive non club members. Should be quite the show. Well worth the price to listen to a lot of self interested spew.

    SUPPORT THE FOUR!! or return to the dark ages of local politics

    1. I find it comical that the former head of the Chamber of Commerce, is a bankrupt businessman and the previous head, Stephen Passero has a "business" that no longer seems to exist except in the chamber directory. Great examples to head the Chamber. Not.

      Worst part of this is that Stephen Passero wants to be mayor of Fort Erie. Let's see: he steamrolled his way into the Kinsmen Pool issue, by throwing the young lady who started the drive under the bus; he ruined the Shorewalkers group by failing to take a strong stand in the Bay Beach issue and grandstanding at public meetings; He has spent the last 3+ years running for mayor. And he signed on as a witness against his fellow councillors in the Great Conflict Scam/Case Against The Four.

      Great example of politics as usual in Fort Erie. Passero just graduated cum laude.

  7. Imagine if the following statement was real

    "The investigation has revealed that Martin and Thibert were mere yes men for the groups Master Mind, Rick Shular"

  8. You mean that Mr. Malaprop is the gang leader? Good cover, that. Never would have guessed it.

  9. I really don't think Shular has devised the plans , his honour Mr Martin is the puppet master. Unfortunately Mr Shular has been drawn into the web of the dark side. He may use big words as he thinks the leaders are very literate & he needs to keep up. Shulars heart is in the right place too bad he doesn't have a decent radar system to identify the
    scoundrels. He is nothing more than a tool of the Old Boys group coupled with the goons AKA the unwashed of east fort Erie. Now the Witches of East have thrown down their hats to join this motley group of losers the queen being Martha lockwood & her princess in waiting of Marina Bulter. MR. Thibert was correct saying Fort Erie is no more than a John looking for a high priced (you know). The lower pond life has risen to the top
    & the they are looking for a prince in shining armour, Let the crowned prince of the swamp (aka Thibert) lead you to the Kingdom of all that is best for Fort Erie.(based on his design which is keep the taxpayers in the dark who cares about a court order)
    Keep the money flowing without disclosure & all will be well in the kingdom of Fo
    rt Erie

  10. I really don't think Shular has devised the plans , his honour Mr Martin is the puppet master. Unfortunately Mr Shular has been drawn into the web of the dark side. He may use big words as he thinks the leaders are very literate & he needs to keep up. Shulars heart is in the right place too bad he doesn't have a decent radar system to identify the
    scoundrels. He is nothing more than a tool of the Old Boys group coupled with the goons AKA the unwashed of east fort Erie. Now the Witches of East have thrown down their hats to join this motley group of losers the queen being Martha lockwood & her princess in waiting of Marina Bulter. MR. Thibert was correct saying Fort Erie is no more than a John looking for a high priced (you know). The lower pond life has risen to the top
    & the they are looking for a prince in shining armour, Let the crowned prince of the swamp (aka Thibert) lead you to the Kingdom of all that is best for Fort Erie.(based on his design which is keep the taxpayers in the dark who cares about a court order)
    Keep the money flowing without disclosure & all will be well in the kingdom of Fo
    rt Erie


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