Long-time conflict-challenged Martha Lockwood has come alive to report her findings regarding the Bay Beach situation on that Facebook group commandeered by the ninjas:
"Steve you said in a previous post that the Molinarosstill owned the area used for
parking along Erie Road. That is true for now. They are in the midst of selling it
and are concentrating their efforts in areas that welcome them. Interestingly enough
in the midst of all of the sabotage of the Crystal Beach project, Mayor Vance
Badaway invited them to Port Colborne to show them areas of their waterfront he
would love developed (see Nickel Beach). Its amazing how some communities have
vision and others do not. It will be a long time before anyone is interested in investing
a significant amount of money in this area."
Oh, Martha, getting careless with the truth, again are you? Are you enjoying putting down the
people of Fort Erie who did not want a high rise on public beach front property? And where did
you get this inside information? Still hanging onto the Molinaros? Vance Badaway has never
invited the Molinaros to look into developing Nickle Beach. Port Colborne recently received
word that a major grant will be given to Nickle Beach in order to renew the sand dunes which
could result in a coveted Blue Flag designation. There is fierce opposition in Port Colborne
to any high rise buildings along its waterfront. In fact, some are lamenting the four story condo
apartment building that was built on the waterfront several years ago. Townspeople have
vowed that will never happen again on the Port waterfront.
So the "vision" that Martha is talking about going on in Port Colborne is exactly what should be
going on in Fort Erie.
Just this past week in Port Colborne, The Elm Street Naturalization Park officially opened
its first phase: a leash-free dog park drawing visitors and their canine friends. It is all part
of a 24 hectare park being developed by the Niagara Region on the former site of the Elm
Street Landfill and Organics Composting. I doubt if its economic impact was part of the
consideration to ask for the support for the parkland. Port Colborne manages to blend public
parks with businesses and established residences. It can be done with smart planning.
Perhaps Martha should keep herself out of the limelight. She can still be sued for conflict of
interest for her votes on the Bay Beach Issue while her domestic partner had a direct pecuniary
interest in the Bay Beach snackbar/tee shirt shop. Some of us still remember her support of
cheese smuggler Bernie Polino as he grabbed the snack bar lease from the long-time lessee,
Charley Boy's.
(Editor's Note: In all honesty, I really pushed hard for someone to file suit against her, but those
who could deferred, thinking that was not the best strategy. The knowledge of Martha's other
lies cost her the voters' trust and she lost the election in 2010. Even then, she filed for a
compliance audit against the man who beat her in the election: Don Lubberts. This produced
nothing and cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars.)