Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Why does Doug Martin care about how the municipal elections are conducted?  He's not even running in this election. 

We probably won't ever know the answer to that question, but the Mayor-by-five-or-was-it-seven-votes certainly got all wee-wee'd up when Don Lubberts started to ask questions about the procedure for the election from the clerk who is empowered to run the election.  Martin did everything he could short of duct-taping Lubberts' mouth shut to prevent him from asking and getting answers to his questions.  

Which makes us tinfoil hat wearers wonder why the mayor doth protest too much. He makes observers and listeners to council meetings anxious for his exit from the horseshoe.  He really has been the cause for a lot of the turmoil at council with his pettiness.  Not a good way to leave the mayor's chair.  The new mayor may need to burn some sage or invite an exorcist in to rid it of the bad juju he leaves behind.  

Spoiler Alert: Lesley North "investigated" problems in previous election and found no proof of any wrong-doing.  She initiated her investigation based on "a blog written by someone who has been convicted of slander." Oh my. Who can she be talking about, I wonder? Lesley also did major research into insurance rates if a scrutineer were to be allowed to accompany the ballots from one nursing home/senior residence to another and a serious accident were to take place. Thank you, Lesley for doing your due diligence. Now you can return to your new task of dissembling my live(sic).

As to the Kinsmen Pool, Paul Collard made an attempt to find out why there was such a delay in the members of the Underwater Recovery Unit receiving a copy of a lease agreement sent to the URU by the town in June.  It was not brought to members until late September and, according to the town's acting CAO, there is no word yet from the URU about the lease. Stephen Passero was strangely quiet about the Kinsmen Pool situation. Just recently, he was trying to take credit for "saving the pool" and promised that it would re-open in 2015.  (Stephen has also remained silent about his business which has apparently gone underground - literally.)


Anyone who continues to blame the four councillors for the present council's dysfunction should pay close attention to the meeting. Notice too how Rick Shular actually goes off script at one point.  Maybe he's looking forward to being able to speak his mind in the next council.  He is the only candidate that is assured of re-election.

Happened to catch the Port Colborne Council Meeting this morning on COGECO.  What a difference a responsible and reasonable mayor makes!  A long-time member of council who is not seeking re-election, Bill Steele was given the opportunity to speak directly to the viewers about the lies and misinformation that has been given out by certain members of the press, candidates and those going door-to-door. He went point-by-point, asking the city treasurer to correct the misinformation, which he did.  Too bad that such an opportunity is not afforded to the councillors of Fort Erie to refute the lies that have been put out there about them. (Please don't suggest that I move to Port Colborne if I like its government so much.  I would just like to see that level of democracy come to Fort Erie's government.)

NOTE: On CKTB 610 AM today at noon, mayoral candidate Mike Cloutier was to be interviewed.  Yesterday the station interviewed Ann Marie Noyes. Thursday will be Stephen Passero and Friday will be Wayne Redekop and then Dean Dimezio.  All will be available via podcast through the station's website.