Monday, July 28, 2014



Bullet News is reporting that the sale of the racetrack will be finalized in the next few days.

We already mentioned that Thibert has followed the Sarah Palin Play Book by going to the press with his story of being plotted against by members of the current council.  This is the guy that decided to sue Councillor Lubberts for conflict of interest on behalf of himself. Bwah. In another Palinesque move, Thibert has taken to Facebook to announce the forthcoming sale of the race track lands to a Buffalo-based group.  Since his ill-advised suit, he has been relegated to the sidelines on this latest effort to sell the track. Way to go, Thibert.  Just like Sarah, you have to go to extreme measures to get the attention you crave.

Next, he'll be talking about "Blood Libel" in reference to comments about him on my blog. Just like Sarah, he takes no responsibility for the effects of his words or actions. And like the former failed vice-presidential candidate, Jim Thibert cannot let something go by without commenting on it to the press or his close circle of friends.

We found it hilarious that he shares his innermost thoughts via quickly typed up e-mails with none other than that old Dinner Hound, Greg Bonito. You remember him; he's the guy who wrote a glowing review of the restaurant that cheese smuggler Bernie Polino is associated with.  Lately, he has donned a costume and writes a cartoon blog where he reports things hot off the tongues of town hall snitches.

And, boy, was Jimmie upset that the council voted to have the acting CAO and the town solicitor take a look at the MOU and by-laws regarding the Economic Development and Tourism Corporation of which Jim Thibert is the general manager when he's not running the Fort Erie Racetrack.

Oh, he's livid, calling the councilors liars (what?) and making some vague reference to Machiavelli. Word Salad was what it was and it revealed more about Thibert's personality than his usual, more carefully edited pronouncements from behind the curtain.  Bullet News took some of his comments and used them in an article titled: Thibert Thinks Council Has Plot Against Him. How rich is that from the guy who just served a council member with papers alleging that Don Lubberts was in conflict of interest over a possible land purchase by the town.  Oh, and Thibert helped put together the conflict of interest lawsuit against the four councilors that also has Mayor Martin's fingerprints all over it.

Jim can always count on someone like James Culic from The Post to cherry pick the facts that bolster his own view, rather than write an in depth article, combined with real investigative reporting.  If he did, he might find out about a slush fund financed by certain developers that has been rumoured to be in existence.  Said slush fund is alleged to be available for use by certain people in important positions in the town.  Look into it, Mr. Culic. Could win you a prize.

In a classic case of "projection" Thibert accuses the four councils of thinking of themselves as sophisticated Machiavellians, adding "buy (sic) the way, they were poisoned by their families." Really? I would have thought that Jim carries a worn copy of The Prince everywhere; his mentor and hero found in the pages of the book.

Well, we've watched Sarah Palin's star fade despite her efforts to remain relevant. Mostly she crashes and burns. Jim Thibert must realize his star is fading; he's even saying nice things about Kathleen Wynne.

Hopefully, the track has been sold and its future secure as a horse racing venue.  It remains to be seen if the Liberal government in Ontario will continue to subsidize the track which has run in the red for several years. 

BTW, Adam Joon, the MBA holding executive development official at the EDTC has resigned to take a job with the region.  Seems that Harry Schlange is putting together a team consisting of Fort Erie staff.  Even heard a rumour that Rino Mostacci may soon join Team Schlange.



  1. Our mayor's response to the EDTC review request was shocking, he said "Ann-Marie was not capable of understanding what he explained to her twice".

    In my opinion, our mayor is very disrespectful of anyone who doesn't agree with him. He is the reason for the discord this term. When he had a 6 to 2 voting majority previously he didn't have any problems.


    How he got the job is a mystery after his northern debacle (dont want that out eh jimmy!!). How he kept it is easy. Dirty doug introduced him to his cronies at the club aka the chamber of commerce. Small c chamber as almost no one there thinks past their own self serving small minded ends and will gladly sell out our town to anyone as long as they make a couple bucks. For instance, Bay Beach, which they were willing to GIVE AWAY for THEIR profit, not the publics.

    Dirty doug n Jimmy dirt bag, a marriage made in hell for most of Fort Erie (ol boys excepted as always)

  3. Curious in the BurgJuly 29, 2014 at 2:54 PM

    I am wondering how long the taxpayers of the town are going to let the town pay him to run a losing cause of a track.
    Makes good money from us yet spends his time at his dollar a year job with the FELRC.
    Really makes a person think.

  4. my last post a little too much maybe for you to print but the absolute truth would agree

  5. ROFLMFAO .....

    " my last post a little too much maybe for you to print but the absolute truth"

    Absolute truth .... so why not publish it. Oh, yeah ...... you only post lies and what ever festers in you twisted mind and the twisted minds of your posters.

    CorruptionFighter wouldn't know the truth if it bit him/her on the butt while pooping on the trail.

    LMAO ..... you guys are just to much fun.

  6. Actually, I was away all day. Just retrieved my e-mails. Good crowd at PoW stakes. When is the big announcement that the track was sold?

  7. CorruptionFighter ...... "absolute truth" ? Isn't 12:48 pm a little early to be all liquored up?

    I can see another lawsuit on the horizon. Keep it up ..... this is just too hilarious.

  8. When is the big announcement of Ann Marie Noyse bid for the mayoral seat?

    Oops, I forgot. You are enemies now. Too bad Carlyn took the wind out of your sails.

    1. WTF are you talking about? The reason I haven't said anything about AMN or her possible run for mayor is that I have no direct knowledge of her plans.

  9. It's very disturbing that our mayor at a Council Meeting said "I explained to Ann-Marie Noyes two times but she was not capable of understanding EDTC documents".
    No wonder there is no respect in those Public Meetings with the mayor leading like that!
    Glad he's not running again.

    Now that the Racetrack is sold will Jim Thibert pay attention to his EDTC job?

    1. More then likely he will be to busy and continue with his personal business of photography and astro-photography lectures. He doesn't deserve this free advertising but people should know he doesn't spend too much time doing what this town pay's him very well to do!

  10. I'm still a little foggy on the whole EDTC concept. Why is it an "arms-length" agency instead of a governmental department? What is an "arms-length" agency? Was it once a governmental department in Fort Erie, and, if so, what was the rationale for the change? What would be the harm in having it be a governmental department so taxpayers would have clearer information on how it spent their money? Are EDTC's also "arms-length" elsewhere in Ontario?

  11. According to his own resume he attended a community college for a couple of years. That's all. Probably took photography courses. Has very expensive cameras, etc. At least one of the EDTC employees have MBAs. More qualified than he is. Wonder who is really running the EDTC while Jimmy plays golf and holds court at the racetrack.

  12. To Meg..the racetrack sold?? I think some land connected to the track is or will be sold. Probly for development, maybe condos in the style of some U.S. tracks. This being under the guise of economic development for the town, (maybe??). Might see something in the paper about this. Hope that scratches their condo itch, and leaves Bay Beach to itself. Some affordable housing would be nice, we see people sleeping in the stables with the horses. A section of any development at the track for accomodation of the summer workers would be a nice gesture, although "nice" doesent seem to be a word being used much around the EDTC or the town hall itself these days.

    1. There has been a persistent rumour that has been floating around about the track being sold - coming from the EDTC itself. You're right Puerto about trackers living in the stalls. I personally know of one who is. Isn't making enough money to afford rent. Is this what they're trying so hard to preserve?

  13. If this Thibert racetrack deal involves even more municipal tax dollars and then again more provincial tax dollars going after poor investment, I am not for it.

    Sadly horseracing isn't popular these days.

  14. Marina Butler told The Fort Erie Times "the town needs someone with energy to bring this community together" and "current council has stood divided on issues such as the Bay Beach 12 storey condominium".

    Right after the last election Marina was quick to charge John Hill of Compliance errors. Would funding a nuisance lawsuit against 4 of 6 councillors also bring the community together?

    Now she speaks of "working with neighbourhood groups", bringing the community back together".

    1. I remember her speaking TO council back in 2010, and if anyone else went up to the councillors faces like she did the Mayor would of call the police!

    2. How can she be involved in the conflict suit ,compliance issue AND run against the man she has charged. Is this not some sort of conflict in itself.

      Morally wrong but then what would you expect from this piece of ``work.`` She has made a lot of money off the backs of the poor n disadvantaged in FE and is just about the first to stand up screaming like the spoilt self centred greedy child that she is when it is evident that monkey business is not the norm anymore when the Four Councillors of Conscience were elected. Her nice printed words in the press are a total lie to the people of the town that she wants to take advantage of yet again.

      She is in the very centre of the network of ol boys n Chamber of Commerce that has screwed this town for decades for only their own bank accounts and egos.

      Good people of FE do not only NOT vote for her but put her on the next bus to somewhere like Burlington(molinaro ville) where she belongs.

    3. Exactly! I'm currently working on a blog post about the CofC attempt to take over the town. I plan to continue to remind people of Marina's costly compliance audit against John Hill in 2010.

    4. Marina Butler, Dean Demizio, Kim Zanko, Stephen no deliberately organized Chamber attempt there to return things as they have been for decades.

      As an added bonus Jimmie dirt bag would keep his nice office right next door and the tax payer gets to pay to keep these leeches n users in the lifestyle they have been accustomed too.

  15. Have to agree, used to be for people to satisfy their urge to gamble the horses were one of the only places to do it. We have now the casinos and many choices at storefront lotto outlets. I think as well with a hightened awareness of animal cruelty issues watching those beautiful animals running their guts out in the hot sun or on the mud while people yell like they think that will make a difference just takes the edge off. Like the decline in bowling alleys or the roller rink the horse race "industry" has seen a big decline. Sure, it still exists in a number of places, but its not like before. Waiting an hour or more for a few moments of excitement doesent help either. Look at the photo on the front of the Times, all really old looking people. To attract at a small portion of younger fans the paper might try and run a horseracing feature in each issue. Explain the system, odds, background of the favorites and other aspects of what is going on. After all, this is supposed to be a "horseracing town". Most of the younger people I talk to dont have a clue how it all works. As there is more and more competition for disposable income someone better do something and soon. As the old fanbase at the track dies off, so might the FortErie racetrack as well.

  16. Marina Butler went "after" John Hill it seems before he even had a chance to do something wrong [in her opinion]. He did however beat incumbent Tim Whitfield by a large range of 80% of the votes.
    Oh, Gosh, Tim Whitfield of the Conflict of Interest law suit against four duly elected Councillors.
    I think this all adds up to a conspiracy!

    1. Her and her buddies started to attack John Hill and the other 3 of the councillors as soon as they sat in office. If anyone did what she did to Pasaro, or Shuler, Dougie would of had the police called in!

    2. Thanks a Lot. I just lost a bet and now have to take my wife out for dinner. I never thought for a moment that you would not accept her post about the Councillors elect met with the lawyer representing those sueing the town, but I was wrong. But she has followed your shenanigans and I have not. I just cannot believe that you would not accept her post because it was accurate. She said it is because that is what you do. Are you for real?

    3. I didn't post Jennifer's remarks because she is wrong. The newly elected councillors probably did meet in 2010 as I'm sure the mayor and his cronies have met over the years. It is part of the system and not at all illegal. The councillors DID NOT sign any affidavits in the court case regarding the Bay Beach Properties. They did sign affidavits regarding the frivolous and vexatious lawsuit against them for conflict of interest in front of their attorney(s) as did Councillors Shular, Passero and the mayor. It is the cross-examination of the latter three that exposes the lies and conspiracy. Shular, in particular, threw his cohorts under the bus in his cross-examination.

      I think you won the bet, Jimmy.

    4. Thanks for your vote of confidence, but I already paid off the losing bet.

      Jennifer is NOT wrong. The meeting she referred to DID happen and DID sign affidavits witnessed by the lawyer representing the litigants sueing the town.

      I think you had better re-assess your faculties as the lawsuit for " Conflict of Interest" was filed well after they had served their second year in term.

      Jennifer says you wont post this one either because it is true and you are wrong. Looking to get my dinner back.

    5. I acknowledged that they probably met shortly after the election, but there was no affidavit signed at that time. Where did your wife get the information she reports? I do know that the four did sign affidavits in the past year regarding the COI lawsuit. This is the last time that I answer your posts because you are either lying or repeating something you heard from a liar.

  17. and Marina claims she will listen to her constituents, UNLIKE her buddy Martha Lockwood did.

  18. Our friends at the japanese site seem to only be posting stuff we read in the free papers, not much of an excuse regarding real names or web sites but still hiding behind strange nicknames and alternate identies even if the news is so old. Maybe its become a site where after reading the paper you can post a breaking news article?? What a shame. For a while they looked like they had something to offer. How polite. "we wish you well and hope you can make a...." what happened to these strange east asian wanabees..

  19. The Chamber of Commerce is hoping that their cronies get elected , so that they can get tax-payers money, they way they did back in 1983 when Doug Martin , Mike Keenan , Heinz Hummel along with Russ Wilson voted to give $120 thousand dollars about $ 300 thousand in todays dollars, the taxpayers paid for wages, rent, utilities and even toilet paper for the "Chamber Pot" gang for over a decade. They want to get their hungry, greedy snouts back into the feeding trough,.just like the good "ole days.

  20. "these are the days, my friend", Waterfront Park was packed with another huge audience to listen to McPherson's Rant. There was a record 2000 church goers earlier at Crystal Beach, the restaurants were all busy.


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