Budget Meeting last night: the audio is up on the town's website. Interested people should listen to the whole meeting, but I must point attention to the EDTC's request, through the Supplemental Budget for $150,000 to add to its reserve. Ward 3 Councillor Bob Steckley pointed out that the EDTC already has a reported $150,000 in its reserve fund. The request was denied. I repeat, an additional $150,000 of taxpayer money that was requested to top off the EDTC's Reserve Fund was voted down.
Others would have you believe that this is a sign of Armageddon and that "war has been declared" as a result of this saving for the taxpayers. So the "others" will continue their campaign against the four councillors by spreading their lies by word-of-mouth.
If people really listen to the budget meeting, they will discover that the councillors are very concerned about the cost to the taxpayers for the additional funds requested. even Rick Shular gave a speech congratulating council for its good budget.
The Jimmie. Jimmie! Show went on earlier at the Chamber of Commerce where Jim Thibert worked hard to blame the present council for all the failures of his Economic Development and Tourism Corporation. Oh, those wetlands, how they bedevil and thwart all those great industries just hankering to come to Fort Erie. And the council (cough-cough) who aren't team players. Thibert wore his special outfit provided by the Thugs Are Us Tailor Shop to show how very serious he is about the state of Fort Erie. See it HERE.
Of course, earlier this week, we were treated to the Doug & Leslie Show.
AUDIO IS AVAILABLE: Click HERE and listen to audio of Special Meeting. She comes on toward the end.
Leslie North brought the crazy to council on Monday, January 27, 2014. She registered to speak on the supplemental budget, but that was merely a ruse to speak regarding the alleged intimidation of Fort Erie residents by a group that was formed to help keep the Bay Beach Properties in public hands. She even mentioned "Virginia" before her remarks were cut off by the mayor as he attempted to keep her from going overboard in her remarks. Update: Leslie came to council alone, without her entourage of bullies. She attempted to come across as a "concerned citizen" when she is anything but. She is merely following the script sent to her by her puppetmasters; the ninjas were ordered to stay home. While she enjoyed a chance to air her "concerns" with the help of the mayor. it was obvious that Leslie was merely the Designated Hitter this week. She's sure to be back for another appearance as most of the others are unfit for public display.
But she did anyways. She claims that 50-60 (correction 40-50) people have been intimidated into silence by the Fort Erie Waterfront Preservation Association (FEWPA). Talk about projection. Does Leslie even realize what she is saying? She's part of a small group that has taken harassment to a whole new level. In fact, she bragged about her complaint to the Ombudsman about a private meeting held shortly after the election in 2010. That meeting was deemed NOT ILLEGAL by the Ombudsman, Andre Marin. She said they got off "on a technicality." Leslie has been biting away at the ankles of the four councillors since they were elected and she claims that regular citizens are being harassed by FEWPA. As far as I know, FEWPA has been very quietly working to help save the Bay Beach Properties from a high rise development. The people I know who are members are just concerned taxpayers, not thugs, hellbent on intimidating the local citizenry.
It's those yellow signs that have sent Leslie over the edge, especially the glut of signs that appeared in the Bridgeburg area of Fort Erie a few years ago. Of course, there are still some yellow signs around and one can assume, from Leslie's remarks, that people feel intimidated by their very presence on people's front lawns. Oh, be afraid; be very afraid - of Yellow Sign Fever. If afflicted, people become enraged that a few in town pushed to give away a prime piece of waterfront property to a high rise developer. The severely afflicted go as far as to believe that there was a side deal that was the incentive for the development push.
So sorry, Leslie that you and your fifty friends feel so intimidated. There is a cure for that. It's called "Critical Thinking." Shouldn't be hard for someone who claims to be "an accountant." However, critical thinking is often blunted by association with uneducated wannabes who pride themselves on their hometown and homegrown prejudice. What Leslie was trying to bring forth, which is a constant meme in her friends' blathering on the internet, is that she and her followers blame Americans for everything that is wrong in Fort Erie. She fails to acknowledge that only Canadian citizens can vote in a municipal election and that those voters put the four councillors into office - along with two others and a mayor who won by a mere five votes.
Even the Mayor-by-Five-Votes couldn't prevent you from making a fool of yourself at council. He tried, but your were just too quick for him and you got in your slanderous accusations against FEWPA and the councillors.
You should be so proud of yourself. Hope the Boys buy you a drink - or three for your efforts.
St. Catharines council gives Port Dalhousie developers ultimatum.
In a village that faced similar problems to Crystal Beach regarding the building of a high rise development that made big promises to the people and failed to deliver, the mood is one of anger and frustration. Buildings were razed in anticipation of the development that had been green-lighted by the OMB (surprised? LOL) despite strong local opposition. Now the St. Catharines council has issued an ultimatum: build or sell.