Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Does not mean that nothing is being done.

It's just that there are many so-called "irons in the fire." For myself, I am busy with the US elections and working to help ex-pats like myself to vote in a Global Primary and to vote in the general election in November. I have become obsessed with the election and am very worried about the hatred and violence that has been evident, especially in the Trump campaign. To me, he is a dangerous egomaniac who must be defeated.

Meanwhile, the effort to save Fort Erie from the forces that are destroying it goes on behind the scenes. The actions of the cabal that brought about the lawsuit against four duly-elected councillors have not been forgotten nor forgiven. We carry on.

Twenty years after the C.A.U.S.E. recommendations were made public, a plan for the Bay Beach Properties has been accepted by council. Not exactly what those of us who remember the history of the property wanted, but many of us are cautiously optimistic. (Just don't try to sell off the parking lots and send us back to 2002 to fight that battle again. We do remember the crappy excuse used then: to fund a portion of The Friendship Trail.) Not going to work when there are parking problems in the Beach on sunny summer weekends.

So, please keep the remarks coming in and we'll report what we can. I think I've said it all by now, but I'm sure there will be lots more to say in the future.

I filed this under Déja Vu Department: Residents worry about possible new build on site of revered former library in North Buffalo. The old building is located on a now very busy and lucrative corner in my old 'hood. Big time developer wants to tear down the building (left to decay) and build a new one. Residents are afraid there will soon be a high rise (developer is a specialist in such developments) on the corner.  Stay tuned.


  1. it's only the appearance of quiet here Madam Editor. The dark side minority won the 2014 election and are quietly shoring up their power ensuring the one off phenomena of THE FOUR never happens again here.

    OUR FOCUS YOUR FUTURE has never been such a bad inside joke.

    I wish this town would wake up.

    PS. 2018 prediction. Stephen Pissaro for mayor. Then watch out.

  2. Stevie, Just how much money did he pocket from all of the money he collected for that tiny pool over the past 6 years. no accounting on that, JT is so overworked these days he has put an ad in the paper for an assistant, ironical, they want somebody with more experience than Mr T Bird.!!

  3. We here in Canada have a front row seat in a quest for the hearts and minds of the American voter, fun though it is, there is a lot to lose, if the outcome is Republican, a now passed Senator from New York once said that USA could either wind up being a Fascist or Socialist type country, at this point in time the American voters are in a pivotal moment in their history. My wife's family and my brothers leanings are Democrat. Canada should be ready for an upheaval south of our border. Donald Trump talks tough on Mexico, he also is talking tough on Canada, especially about energy, and pipelines.

  4. Personally, I don't fear Trump but rather his followers as it seems all he's been doing is saying what extremists want to hear & doesn't actually believe what he says. Still, if I were to vote, it would be for Rand Paul.

  5. It's not quit at the region "It was a big change for the Region when Schlange replaced longtime CAO Mike Trojan, and change often comes with “bumps in the road,” Diodati said.

    “Harry is a different kind of person who’s taking us in a different direction,” he said.

    “I think there’s going to be speed bumps along the way as he gets comfortable with us, as we get comfortable with him and our expectations are known.”"

  6. Should thank trump and others like him. It helped to show the mindset of the republicans these days. What if they had been slick, violent and self centred. Oh wait, that is what they have been. At least he showed the toxic side of that repub party. For this we say "gracias donald.

  7. Diodati is a very polished politician. For him to say that about Schlange screams volumes. Nothing we don't already know after his track record at the TOFE or if that isn't enough ask Fred Bracken with his run in with Schlange/Zimmerman. What's the cost on that altercation(read lawsuit for illegal arrest) to the taxpayer to silence someone asking very pertinent questions? Want more? board members bailing on the police services board to be replaced instantaneously, without debate or vote. The Nrp takes the bulk of the region's budget and if you think there's not serious issues there,you're living under a rock. It has become politically incorrect,I would say even fearful to criticize the police in Canada for obvious shortcomings and even criminal activity. This is not democracy, for the people by the people, the way it is intended. Where there's smoke............

    Fort Erie may be quiet on the surface as the dark side(CofC,Edtc,ol boy insider club) runs things now and a complicit local press only promotes what costs us all so dearly. I would say not so much so at the Region where their versions of Richard Berry still survive to raise serious "WTF'S" to massive waste and cronyism.

    1. Once again, CF, you hit it right on the head. Where else can the head of the EDTC get away, year after year, with providing nothing in the line of "economic development"? He simply has not done the job he was hired for and he has run through millions in taxpayer money. I still can't believe he got away with using taxpayer money to sue me, but he did.

      As to the NRP, I was convinced that things were not right when I was visited by various NRP officers five times because of what I wrote on this blog. That's why I experienced schadenfreude when the NRP officers were convicted of smuggling. So much more to be exposed.

  8. This just in; job creation Fort style. Mayor Red decides (after all these years) to open up new opportunitys for job creation (read volunteers) to be approved to work for free on such projects as landscaping and sanding rusty metal. Who says "your future is our focus"? We do! That is if you want to work for free while other departments suck up so much cash (read; $1.4 million to a tired library system and gawd knows how much to the EDTC horse circus). Whoever said job creation here is dead just didnt think of opening the doors to unpaid employment on a regular basis. Now who would have thought some fat cat lawyer/mayor would have come up with that plan? Must have had help. For this we pay how much in taxes? So now we line up to work for free while overweight town staff pull in fat paycheques? Thanks mayor Red. What a prince. They must be having a good laugh at this "new change of policy".

  9. For Democrats everywhere from the New Yorker magazine today, a new slogan regarding the contest between Mrs. Clinton and a long time public figure Mr. Sanders. "Feel the Bern"...(and so it goes...):)

  10. Just a reminder that this Tuesday night at 6pm the Fort Erie Waterfront Strategy Meeting is scheduled. The Planning Partnership will be listening to ideas from the public.
    Bay Beach is finally on track after the martin and martha interference.

  11. The "state of Fort Erie adress being given by the mayor (with Jim T in attendence for comic relief) at a golf club as an early "breakfast" meeting. For this tickets are needed. Why couldnt an important presentation like this be given at a special meeting at town hall in an evening? How many people really want to go to something like that in the stink of $hitty coffee and at a golf club of all places. Some of us voted for the Red with an eye to the elimination of such nonsense. Buy a ticket to hear a few of these overpaid suits tell us how great things great they are going to be? great things could be if someone would just get off the pot and make some real changes? A "fresh" reporter for the Times commented on how small the attendence was to an event of this type a few years ago (she probly got a firm spanking for that comment). Put her in charge of "bricks" to shut her up it looks like. Really we need to hear how things are going without buying a ticket to the show. That would be painfull enough having to face that weasel Jim T so early in the morning. Should not have to pay for it as well. It looks like Red has gone over to the dirty side. Some said it would happen. Path of least resistance for the closet coward. No wonder the NDP didnt want him in at the provincial level.A lot more openness is needed and this is no way to change the status quo.

  12. Fraser is alive &b well. Bought 405 Ridgeway rd,

    1. Daen, we were hoping he blew town. Every time I see that empty spot on Queen's Circle where a stately home once stood, I get angry. That building, once a part of Crystal Beach history was bought by one of Fraser's companies; stripped to the rafters and then razed. Every one of the buildings "owned" by Fraser's companies is empty and not being used. He's turning the Beach into a ghost town. If his history of fraus is any indication, it won't be long before he gets caught/tries to scam more people. Beware, beware.

      Read THIS

  13. how's everyone feel about a condo at the base of Jarvis? I know it's not on a public beach site, though.

    1. Didn't Sandy Annunziata put the kibosh on the idea of a condo at the foot of Jarvis when he was a councillor? Seems he fostered a by-law that prohibited a ten story building on the site. I am against any tall buildings on the waterfront. One need only visit Toronto to see how horrible the shoreline/skyline looks with a wall of hi rises blocking the view. Big mistake, I believe.

  14. very glad to see that what little conscience and intelligence Fort Erie has left is once again active on this site........silence only enables those who want to profit by abusing this town(and they are many)

    1. Sunday night during the Super Bowl, I was driving by a local watering hole frequented by certain politicians, hangers-on and bad cops. The parking lot was full. For a second, I entertained the thought that a well-programmed drone strike could clear Fort Erie of most of its problems.

  15. Still dont know how a place like that has people drinking from say 4pm till the late finish of the football game and there still isnt a cop or 2 pulling these fools over as they drive away. How can that be so simple? Especially at night. What gives??

  16. Trump smashed them last night.

    TRUMP 2016.

    P.S Sharon. I am on my way to the CPAC convention in National Harbor this March 2-5. Why don't you join me? LOL

    1. Sorry, but I'm running the Democrats Abroad Global Primary here at the Crystal Ridge Library on March 1 from 5:00-8:00 PM.

      Gotta beat Trump. LOL. Seriously, the Dems have two fine candidates to choose from, unlike the Repubs.

  17. Just over 60 Fort Erie residents attended last night's Waterfront Strategy input session at the Leisureplex.

    Not one councillor was there other than Mayor Redekop.
    Now that's apathy! The discussion involved the future of the Fort Erie waterfront for the next ten years involving leisure and economic benefits to the town.

  18. Shame on all the councillors! I gave up attending those "discussions" because it seems that there is a hidden agenda that the regular folks are not privy to. Just my opinion after years of the public getting f'ed over regarding Bay Beach. I am so done with it.

  19. How many years has it been? People are tired of attending some scripted "discussion". Very little will change. The prince of the status quo attended out of a sense of duty. A ten year plan? Those high priced consultants must be laughing at these rubes. Out of desperation it becomes important to look as if the town has a grip on waterfront development. All of that is long gone. Most of it over a hundred years ago. What a shame. And now its time to pretend the public has a say in that mismanaged bit of greed? Go figure.

  20. Steve, with your attitude nothing will happen. Sharon if you are done with Bay Beach, why are you keeping this blog? I thought you started it to stick up for our beach.
    The consultants are listening, they are very open to get ideas from the residents. Granted over ten years was wasted with the Bay Beach fiasco [to put it mildly], now is not the time to be apathetic as the new breed of councillors are.
    The fight goes on to protect the 45 kilometers of waterfront in this town with SMART DEVELOPMENT!

    1. After over ten years of fighting an uphill battle; being sued; and constant harassment; I am trying to reset my life and enjoy my last years. I have kept this blog open for people to express their opinions. Time for someone else to step up to the plate. I am tired, really tired.

    2. smart development on waterfront? no such thing. most countries worldwide have enacted legislation to protect waterfront. many are considered third world. Enter Fort Stupid giving it away.


  21. Sharon, I understand how you feel, it's called "burnout". I hope you still care though. There are lots of projects for community groups to take on still at Bay Beach ranging from donations to volunteer work.
    As for the waterfront, Corruptionfighter should give his ideas for improvement to enable tourists and residents better uses for this wonderful asset that surrounds us. There are lots of areas along the river and lake that need care.

    1. Most have no idea what The Four and others, including me, have gone through in the effort to improve how our local government represents the people. Where else but in a totalitarian society is it possible that four duly-elected representatives of the people are harassed and vilified and then sued with a lawsuit funded by a select group of insiders? How can anyone think that is how you get rid of people you do not like? As for a "fair election," how can an incumbent mayor "win" by a mere five votes when there we reports of problems at the voting centres? There is so much that I would like to write a book but I cannot because I am too close to the story. I am trying to work through that problem because the story needs to be told - as a cautionary tale and as an exposé of corruption in a small town.

  22. Sharon, thanks for keeping this site open for us to vent. I imagine that it is all consuming to keep up with the vast news about the U.S. candidates, it's a circus, unbelievable!

    Take care.

  23. The fight goes on to protect the 45 km of waterfront in this town? That ship has sailed Observer. Its mostly in private hands in tiny bits much of it as seasonal residences. Whats to protect? At best we may get permission from homeowners along the waterfront to even walk by along the shore head down and with a feeling of being a tresspasser in our own country, province, and town. Smart development? That attitude is what got us into this restrictive mess all so many years ago. And continues today. People felt pretty "smart" scooping up the waterfront lands. Couldnt just build back a hundred feet or so and leave a public space along the shoreline could they? Now its too late. Smart development? Too simple? You decide what is smart, and for whom.

  24. Por favor see George Lopez as Donald Trumpz "Funny or Die"

  25. One has to take an interest to better what is there. Decisions and priorities are in the making as far as beach access points for proper plantings to improve dunes, look out areas that take into consideration the natural heritage, postings at paths to inform tourists of places to go and areas of particular interest. Certain areas need special attention to improve the water as well as washroom facilities, garbage matters and parking arrangements. There are lots of opportunities to help with the local economy. I don't think one should complain and not give positive suggestions.
    There are grants available at this time from the Region, why not try to better our community?

  26. A woman who is a bicycle enthusiast new to the area travelled along the river route and didn't know that if she went up Jarvis Street she could find refreshments. She suggested signs should be posted to aid local establishments.

    That OF COURSE would be under Eco-Tourism and should be handled by the EDTC. I remember they did out source prices and ideas for some signs a few years back that cost a hundred thousand dollars. Don't they know where and what should be designated on the signs and what type of paint is best and not hire consultants?

  27. Have a look at the major travel/tourism websites and see what the town of Fort Erie offers to potential visitors. The 'fort', golf and of course the horse track when in season. Miles, of trails are mentioned but where these are remain a mystery, unlike hundreds of other sites that include maps. The town is missing out on thousands of potential visitors who come to see the falls only 20 miles or so to the north. It might be 2016 but with the lame effort on the internet promoting the town it might as well be 1988. For this we pay how much to the EDTC? The irony of the situation is that many of these travel promotion sites offer a free membership!! Poke that bald headed goofball with a sharp stick and wake him up (if hes even in town) and get him to get one of his overpaid deskslugs to put this place on the world map. Soon. Like yesterday.

  28. Scamming the people of Fort Erie is a long time tradition ,that has it's rewards for the "Ole Boys Club," $2 million dollars was acquired from the Province of Ontario to promote Tourism and Recreation here, Kim Craitor delivered the $2 million dollars gave it to James Thibert our EDTC , acting as the Racetrack Manager gave the money to Nordic Gaming securing that position for himself, also he gave 400 of our best slot machines to Woodbine Racetrack, gratis, the Americans stopped coming over, it was not very hard for the Province to shut down the no longer viable Slot Program down, ironically Douglas Martin blamed the Province when it was his side kick James that killed the golden goose for our Town.

    1. the ol boys club must really despise you and your memory Porgey.

      Bravo to you and the very few like you who survive in Fort Stupid to remind a duped dumbed down electorate exactly how their hard earned tax $$$ are criminally squandered by a small group of insiders. Jimmie Dirt Bag and his cronies have turned this into an art form and a complicit local press not only does nothing but in many cases promotes it.


  29. Saw the for sale sign being pounded into the frozen ground in front of the burger place across from the bay beach. Better get Fraser over there to empty it out, paper up the windows and add another closed business to the village. That place should do pretty good at least on a seasonal basis, although the prices were pretty high. Cant blame a person for getting out though considering the unbelieveable high taxes for places like that. Had a big sign up for a while "keep ALL Bay Beach public". Lets hope that didnt upset anyone enough to put the screws to the owner. Wouldnt be the first time (or probly the last either).

    1. I was once part of a group who leased the building for a summer. Problem is with the current owner who misled and then changed the rental agreement. Way too much for just three months. We had to replace a refrigerator and a fryer at our own cost. Utility costs were outrageous. I felt sorry for the people who followed us. Owner has always wanted to sell since he and his wife split up (she ran the restaurant and made money.) He couldn't figure out why no one else could make money, yet he continued to charge high rents. No wonder no one lasted very long. Someone needs to buy the property; live in the apartment upstairs and run the restaurant. That is the only way it is viable, given the short season. (And maybe some real income other than the restaurant to rely on to survive.)

  30. Our Mayor Wayne Redekop, Elected because he has vision , has shown that he has very little to offer in that department , when the Bay Beach property was bought, with $2 million dollars of Slot Revenue , we still had millions coming in from Slots, why did he not strike while the iron was hot and do what the people wanted, he dithered , squandered $20 million on god knows what, as an accounting was never forthcoming. He left the door wide open for the looters to help themselves. Which actually happened when Doug "The Slug" Martin got the fix in.

  31. A quarter million to the EDTC instead of the half plus requested. OOOOH, must be some upset at the trough. Have to agree with D.L., the whole thing should be at the town hall as an inhouse department. Could put in a drive through window for the handouts that are still going to occour. Geeze, only a quarter million gift! Whats a guy to do??

    1. There are great opportunities for business now that the Canadian dollar is so low. It was always a good thing in the past. I don't see the EDTC taking advantage of this. Another lost opportunity. Thanks, Jim Thibert. (And please don't use taxpayer money to sue me again.)

  32. anyone want to weigh in on the over 7% tax increase locally but zero at the Region?? In their first 2 years this council of ol boy lackeys(sorry DL you are not included here) are taxing us blind but no one says a word. 15% in their first 2 years with 2 more to go.

    During the previous council THE FOUR kept increases at all time lows memory serves and were shit all over repeatedly. Law suits, slandered, pushed, websites dedicated to intimidating them....You must really love paying for insider greed there Fort Stupid!! You really don't seem to mind paying huge to keep those pigs at the public trough, well fed in their cushy jobs with sunshine list pay, benefits and pensions.

    WOW.!! Times are so good here we can all just give money away to the oh so privileged few.

    Still waiting the Times to say something but serving the greater good doesn't seem to be in their mandate.


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