Tuesday, March 11, 2014



UPDATE: Remember when both Martin and Thibert commented on the letter written by developer Rainer Hummel explaining why he was pulling out of developing a small lot on Ridge Road in Ridgeway? Of course, Martin and Thibert blamed it on the present council and offered that, after the fall elections, developers may once again trust Fort Erie.

Well, thanks to acting CAO Tom Kuchyt, the truth finally trickled out. When Hummel bought the property in June, 2013 there with "a few stipulations which include a time frame for a site plan," according to a quote in the Fort Erie Times. Kuchyt goes on to say, "We wanted to see it (the property) developed quickly. It was getting close to those time lines to move forward and there was nothing there."

And there you have it, folks. Hummel had no idea what he was going to do with the property and he had run out of time to submit a site plan. So, he bailed, blaming the "poor treatment" of the Molinaro Group as his reason.  So, I guess we have no right to call Hummel out for delaying a major part of the revitalization of Ridgeway?  There was a doctor who had already put together plans for the property and was all set to go - until Hummel swooped in to buy the property.

Just as we figured. Yeah, Martin will do almost anything to destroy the reputations of the four councillors. Maybe Bob Gale would like to hear about this on his new Whistleblower website. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

WARNING: Trolls are out in force over this post.  They must be afraid of Arlene White. LOL. Sorry, trolls. You'll get no attention here.

So, who is really against development? Certainly not The Four who have approved and encouraged development in Fort Erie. Sure, Don Lubberts from Ward 5 successfully ran for election with the promise that he would do everything in his power to stop the Bay Beach Project, something he was against since it was first pitched by long-gone town planner Rino Mostacci. Despite what others might say, this Fort Erie Council has voted in favour of many developments - unanimously - like the Canadian Motor Speedway. The fact-challenged screed from other sources is designed to make people believe that The Four are anti-development. This effort has been headed up by Martin and Thibert.

Well, now there is further proof that Mayor Martin and Jim Thibert, GM of the Fort Erie Economic Development and Tourism are really against any development that does not suit their own agenda.

Case in point: a suggestion by Arlene White that a causeway-type connection from Netherby Road to Grand Island in New York State might be an option to consider for an international crossing.

Of course, Martin and Thibert jumped all over the idea, offering a wet blanket to snuff out the idea before it has a chance to breathe. 

Martin called the plan "more of a pipe dream than

reality," which would have considerable impact on 

people living in the area.

Like the Bay Beach Project was a pipe dream of a long-gone town planner?  Some of us still smart at the statement by Mostacci that he envisioned high rises all along the bay in Crystal Beach. Thankfully, Mostacci is now realizing his latest "pipe dream" of an NHL arena in Markham.

Thibert added:

"There's no real credibility in this idea," he said,

 believing officials should focus on trying to put a

 second span on the Peace Bridge.

Remember folks, these are the same guys who helped run the Ambassador Bridge

developer out of town. We would have a second bridge to the US by now if not for Doug Martin, 

Ron Reinas, Thibert and others. Some of us remember the dog and pony show that went on

years ago to distract people away from supporting the Ambassador Bridge. The promise of a 

new bridge went away as soon as the Ambassador Bridge plan was abandoned. The "bridge 

expansion" is nothing more than a Duty Free expansion on the US side. It has had "a 

significant impact on the people living in the area."

I think that Arlene White has their number and fully expected them to react to her suggestion this way. Showing their true colours and bully mentality, they are the real reason that Fort Erie is in an economic slump.

The truth is that, like most towns, there are positive things happening: businesses are expanding; developments are under construction; and new people are moving to town.  People with good ideas know better than to expect any support from the likes of Martin and Thibert - unless it fits in with their narrow view of what's best for Fort Erie -er-themselves. Whether the idea has an long-term merits remains to be seen. It is worth a look. Not going to happen as long as Martin and Thibert are around.

Just like Thibert did not acknowledge the positive effect of the Crystal Beach Ice Caves (a million dollars worth of free publicity that brought some 50,000 people to Crystal Beach,) we have learned that, for this town to succeed, it has to move forward without any help from the likes of the mayor and Thibert.

UPDATE: Job prospects are encouraging for Fort Erie. A recent report states that 19% of 

employers in Fort Erie are planning to hire in the second quarter. That's good news for job 

seekers in Fort Erie. Even better news comes from St. Catharines for those who are able to 

commute where 30% of employers will hire in the second quarter.