Friday, September 9, 2016


I have been very distracted of late. As an American who still votes in US elections, I am concerned over the possibility of a racist, sexist con man being elected to represent the United States. I probably will not be able to relax until after November 8.

In the meantime, there are things going on that should be noted as the local media sources are hamstrung by their need to keep their advertisers happy, so the truth seldom makes its way to the pages of local papers.

Like the death of a local "character" which, if one reads Facebook and other sources, was just a guy with a beard who was often seen bicycling around Ridgeway and Crystal Beach. Truth: he was a very troubled well-known local drug dealer. Just about everyone knew about him: when he was "carrying" he braided his beard; had regular "business hours" in various places around town and was known to the police who allowed him to function unchecked. His presence in our community was troubling to many and an example of the failures of our mental health system. He joins a number of other lost souls who have come and gone in our community like the so-called Psycho Santa who wondered around town yelling incomprehensibly or "Queen Victoria" who once assaulted a local pharmacist.

Gary Fraser's presence is still being felt in the area. Another big development looms in Crystal Beach piloted by one of the Fraser-involved companies. Some of his properties have been sold, or so it appears. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop regarding this convicted fraudster.

There has been some discussion (I will reprint the remarks) regarding a possible charge for the use of the public Bay Beach. At this point, there is no charge except for the parking in the town-owned parking lots. Years ago, when the town first took possession of the beach, there was a small yearly charge for local residents resulting in a card used for free admission; everyone else had to pay a nominal amount to enter the beach. That plan was abandoned after a short time. Since then, the beach is free. It could be a good revenue source for the town but it has many problems, the first being theft by those collecting the fee. Sorry, it happens all too often in this town. Remember the old bingo days and the charge booth at the Waterfront Park boat launch? It may be more trouble than it's worth.

Another great year of events sponsored by the Friends of Crystal Beach, but there is one coming up in October that brings Crystal Beach major international attention - the 5K Run/Walk over the Thanksgiving Weekend (Columbus Day Weekend to Americans.) Every year it gets bigger and it is already shaping up to be a big, fun event. BTW, the next Friends of Crystal Beach meeting is on Thursday, September 29 at the Crystal-Ridge Library at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.  Always looking for people who want to make a difference in their community.

I'll close for now with this:

Thanks to a brilliant presentation executed by Sally from the FOCB, Old Man Summer was memorialized  in true Trumpian style at the End of Summer Parade. held on Saturday, September 3/(Photo by Rick Doan)