Thursday, February 27, 2014


While some people are getting upset about a possible town giveaway of public land (oh, where have we heard that one before?) others are taking note of a situation that appears to contravene town policy.  Barely mentioned in the opening remarks from the Monday, February 24 Regular Council Meeting was the reason for the absence of Ward 1 Councillor Stephen Passero  who was attending the Ontario Good Roads Conference in Toronto.

Of course, to sharp observers, this brought to mind the resolution passed in August of 2007:

Councillor Shular 
Resolution No. 7 
THAT: The Expense Policy be amended to require that Members of Council attending 
conferences, including AMO, require Council approval by resolution. 

No one recalls a motion to cover the expenses for this meeting, so it is probably safe to assume that Stephen Passero paid his expenses out of his own pocket for surely, he would never do anything against the accepted Expense Policy, now would he?

To a man who never asks a question he does not already know the answer to we'd like to ask:

Did you bring forth a resolution to Council to cover your stay at the Royal York and the convention cost?