In a 2010 article in the Niagara Falls Review, Martin said it himself: "The first thing we will decide is the Bay Beach issue."
This is where I need to interject that Bob Steckley (Ward 3), who was opposed to the giving away of public beachfront property to a high rise developer was re-elected; John Hill (Ward 4) beat incumbent Tim Whitfield, a proponent of the condo tower, in a landslide; Don Lubberts (Ward 5) beat incumbent and condo tower supporter Martha Lockwood quite handily; and Paul Collard (Ward 6), another candidate against the condo tower won his ward.
And Doug Martin was re-elected by a mere five votes in an election that was thrown in doubt when a ballot box "accidentally" fell open and ballots became mixed with those already counted.
- Then came the compliance audits of the new councillors, a witch hunt that cost the taxpayers $110,000. to find a couple of minor mistakes.
- Jim Thibert of the Fort Erie Economic Development and Tourism Corporation, during the "lame duck" period after the election and before the new councillors took office was to get his hand-picked board to fund a lawsuit* against me costing the taxpayers in excess of $20,000.
- The Conflict of Interest Lawsuit against The Four was designed to cast doubt on their abilities and integrity. Doug Martin, according to the sworn cross-examination of Rick Shular, persuaded a rather reluctant former Ward 4 Councillor Tim Whitfield to file the lawsuit against the four through the attorney who also represents the EDTC. That case has been mired in the court system for over a year, probably by design, to keep the cloud of doubt over the four councillors' heads as they seek public office in 2014. In a document demanded by the court is the list of financial supporters of the action. That list revealed that Marina Butler, now a candidate in Ward 4 against John Hill was a financial backer of the lawsuit. Other names revealed suggest that those loyal to Doug Martin and Jim Thibert also helped fund the lawsuit.
Some time after the election, I predict, the case will be decided/thrown out and the town, through its insurer, will have to pay for the councillors' legal bills. However, there is the distinct possibility of a lawsuit for malicious prosecution by The Four. Because, in my opinion and that of many others, the lawsuit was filed with malicious intent.. Rather than wait until a legal election to determine if the people want to re-elect The Four, those who lost or almost lost the last election are deliberately using the court system to nullify the voters' choices.
In my next post, I will show how the forces are working at the regional level to return the condo tower development on Bay Beach.
* S.L.A.P.P. Lawsuit. Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation. (Toronto Start Op-Ed)