Wednesday, January 8, 2014


QUESTION: Did anyone else notice the similarity between Jim Thibert's budget presentation to council the other night and New Jersey governor Chris Christie's press conference on Thursday? All righty then.

Well, the Economic Development's self-proclaimed guru presented his corporation's budget tonight at town hall on Wednesday, January 8.

He did a brilliant job of laying the blame for Fort Erie's economic woes on everyone except him and the EDTC.

"If you're on food stamps, then you're not so smart," he said about anyone who can't get a job. (Thibert "hired and fired" many PhDs, doncha know?)There are plenty of jobs, according to Thibert, but no one has the skills necessary.  At one point, he launched into a pseudo-Chinese accent to make the point that his arm's length corporation is not an employment service. Yet he uses that argument to ask for more funds for his corporation. (Update: unemployment figures released on January 10 show a rise in unemployment all over Canada with Niagara topping the stats.) 

As time went on, Thibert slipped into his usual abrasive stance; he refused to answer a question from Councillor Bob Steckley and quickly engaged in his standard bully maneuvers.

"Jimmy, Jimmy" yelled the female voice coming from his cell phone mid-remark. Oops again. Hope it was his wife.

The Man-Who-Never-Apologizes repeated his insulting, profanity-laced remarks that some find so endearing. He tried (and succeeded - at least to the peanut gallery audience) that the problems his corporation faces are the fault of a council "without leadership." Translation for the uninformed: the "leader" of the town is the mayor. He is also the chair of the council. Oops, that would be Doug Martin, Thibert's BFF.

"If you don't like what the messenger is saying, then look in the mirror," concluded Jim Thibert.

Comments on the report were made after a short recess. The budget request will be brought up on the 29th for a vote.

Bob Steckley continued to question the large reserve of the EDTC in light of its supplemental budget request. Shular did not disappoint with his smorgasbord of word misuse.  Does he not know that he fails so often in shooting for the big words, only to use a close, but completely wrong word? 

Don Lubberts wants to have a thorough going over of the information which was just presented to council Wednesday. 

Thibert was certainly on this evening and he was able to bellow and bloviate his way through the session. 

Of course, the guy who dresses like a Mormon missionary saw his chance to throw in some electioneering by taking some cheap shots at other members of council.  BTW, where does he operate his business from? Can't find out.

Remember this? Courtesy of the EDTC?  Way to go! Then the mayor says that Fort Erie is "Closed for Business."