Tonight at Fort Erie Town Council, developer Ed Lenchyshyn (Friend of Dougie and campaign donor) has asked for and will probably get, a zoning change to allow his company, Park Lane Homes to cram townhouses on a parcel of land on Rebstock Road.
Listen in or attend the meeting as nearby residents express their opposition to the plan.
Ed Lenchyshyn has publicly bragged that he can get anything he wants in Fort Erie.
UPDATE: Despite dire warnings of an expensive OMB appeal, council did not approve the shortened set-back of a proposed town house development on Rebstock Road. Neighbours of the proposed site of the development cited that when they built their homes, the set-back was much deeper than what Park Lane Homes requested. They feel that the development will not be in character or at the same level as all the other homes on large lots in the block between Ridge Road and Rebstock Road. The proposal is for 23 units on a large lot, although set-backs and space between units is much smaller than earlier zoning requires. A similar development on Hibbard Street raised the concerns of neighbours as due to an "error" the set-back was far less than the zoning required.
I think Donnie Lubberts showed great courage in standing up for his constituents. Mayor Martin got all pissy once again and Stephen Passero dragged out his Eddie Haskell persona to make sure that everyone knew he was a candidate for something.
Re: Candidate Intimidation
I thought that Fort Erie had a lock on candidate intimidation. It seems that the Town of Pelham has gone after a candidate for excessive Freedom of Information requests.
In an article published in the Welland Tribune, the Town of Pelham has sued former employee and council candidate Tara Druzina for $20,000 for breaching an agreement made when she left her job in late 2013.
Since I am only going by what is published in the article, my opinion is that Ms. Druzina is looking for the answers to a lot of questions she has about the Fenwick beutification project and a Fonthill development plan and getting stonewalled by TPTB in Pelham. Her earlier request for six FOIs was granted by the town, but a subsequent request for six more prompted the lawsuit.
In her termination agreement, Druzina received $20,000 severance "and was required in
return to not interfere with Pelham's operations or business practices" according to the
article written by Maryanne Firth.
In the letter she received informing her of the lawsuit:
“It is evident that your requests are part of a pattern of
conduct that amounts to an abuse of the right of access
and would interfere with the operations of the Town,”
the letter reads.
“In addition, given the nature of your requests in view of
recent past experience with you, therequests are
regarded as having been made in bad faith and for a
purpose other than to obtain access.”
How jacked up is this lawsuit?