Monday, March 2, 2015


It looks as though the Beatties (Howard and Valerie) are getting their pay-back for campaign donations and financial support of the lawsuit against The Four Councillors. Remember, it was the Beatties who were among those who funded the Conflict of Interest lawsuit currently winding its way slowly through the court system of Ontario.

Now they want to build a house on their property on Lakeshore Road just 3 metres from the water's edge in defiance of the 30 metre set-back as required by Section 6.47 of Comprehensive Zoning By-law No.129-90. Now, you're beginning to see why some on council wanted to make it easier to change the set-back. It's called pay-back and a lot of other names that we are all familiar with but I can't use due to the lawsuit against me that Jim Thibert filed using taxpayer money. (Not unlike his most recent lawsuit against Ward 5 Councillor Don Lubberts for Conflict of Interest.  All because Donnie called Jimmy out over his plan to get the town to buy a piece of property to sweeten a deal for the sale of the racetrack.)

So, the Beatties expect that their fellow conspirator/fianceer Ward 4 Councillor Marina Butler (owner of Employment Professionals Canada) who also contributed towards the lawsuit, will vote to allow them to build a house close to the water, thus setting a precedent for others to follow. Never mind that homes along the shore in that area already suffer from flooding and other problems due to the high water table and proximity to the lake, thanks to poor planning policies in the past. Valerie Beatty is trying to get clearance based on goals set for the Council's Corporate Strategic Plan (2011-2014), one of which is to "increase public access to our waterfronts."  Sure. Like a twelve story tower looming over the public beach, which severely limited public access will increase public access to our waterfronts. Been there; done than; even got the tee shirt.

Keep track of this one, folks. See if Marina Butler declares a conflict. Odds are she won't. She thinks she's above all that and knows better. I hear that there is a complaint filed with the Integrity Commissioner against her already.  Next, she'll be calling for the end to the integrity commissioner like they did at Regional Council.  So much for transparency and healing that was supposed to be the theme of this council.

Looks like business as usual (meaning back before 2010) for the Town of Fort Erie.