Anyone want to weigh in on the over 7% tax increase locally but zero at the Region?? In their first 2 years this council of ol boy lackeys(sorry DL you are not included here) are taxing us blind but no one says a word. 15% in their first 2 years with 2 more to go.
During the previous council THE FOUR kept increases at all time lows memory serves and were shit all over repeatedly. Law suits, slandered, pushed, websites dedicated to intimidating them....You must really love paying for insider greed there Fort Stupid!! You really don't seem to mind paying huge to keep those pigs at the public trough, well fed in their cushy jobs with sunshine list pay, benefits and pensions.
WOW.!! Times are so good here we can all just give money away to the oh so privileged few.
Still waiting the Times to say something but serving the greater good doesn't seem to be in their mandate.
So, yesterday, we traveled around Fort Erie, down Niagara Boulevard and up Jarvis Street. Lots of empty storefronts, so much, it looks like a lot of urban streetscapes where business has moved to the highway, leaving the core areas bereft and run-down. There were few bright spots with few improvements under way. Oh, there will be a new bridge on Central. Good news there.
Meanwhile in Crystal Beach, we have more properties bought by the syndicated mortgage front-man Gary Fraser that will probably be left unoccupied as part of a possible
So, while wandering off-the-Garrison, one wonders what the hell is our esteemed Economic Development and Tourism Corporation doing to earn all that money from the taxpayers. (I do know that GM Thibert used well over $20,000. of that taxpayer money to sue yours truly.)
But the racetrack is open for off-track betting. Good fun that. Helping retirees and the poor part with their meager dollars. Now that's economic development for ya!
Can anyone tell me of a new company that has moved into Fort Erie in the past few years?