Thursday, February 20, 2014


UPDATE: The lies continued in the "report" on the agreement between the town and the Point Abino Association regarding access and the length of the agreement. From the ninjas:

But rather than let a sleeping dog lie, good ol Donnie has to poke the P.A.A. with a stick and make amendment to make it a locked in 5 years which was *approved by the usual vote.  So now, Town staff has to go back to the bargaining table with the PAA who already, as noted earlier, doesn’t want us around, and ask them to sign up for 5 years, and by doing so ensuring that Donnie’s friends in P.A.L.P.S. get some revenues.”

* The truth is that Don Lubberts' amendment was defeated in a 5-2 vote.  

So, the one-year agreement with automatic renewal unless one or both parties decide to amend or change the agreement was finally approved by a 6 -1 vote as recommended by staff. Don Lubberts expressed hope that a five year plan would have been better and he offered the amendment. He also wanted to hear the opinion of the Point Abino Lighthouse Preservation Association as they volunteer to run the tours of the historic site. That is all folks. Democracy in action. Not some kind of vicious plot.

And now, back to original exposure of a pack of lies from the ninjas.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the Great Unwashed have a vendetta going against Four Councillors who were elected to council.  The GU have made up stories; repeated gossip and even misrepresented facts in their zeal to smear the Four Councillors.

Well, this time they went way too far - far into absolute slander and libel territory with their latest attack on The Four.  The problem is that it was ALL A PACK OF LIES.  Fortunately for them, they took down the offending post. Unfortunately for them, I have received a copy of the offending post.

It all has to do with the hiring of Hemson Consulting Ltd. to conduct a Development Charges Background Study. The report was presented to Council in Committee on Tuesday, February 18, 2014.

Here is what the ninjas said about the study:

So last night was no different. Another assault on our intelligence was launched when council received a report from a company called Hemson Development who was paid a rough sum of money, around $30,000 to do a development charges study for the town of Fort Erie.

So town council voted 4-3 to have this study done in Fort Erie.  The question is why? This is where the assault on us tax payers begins. An assault on our intelligence and where the smoke and mirrors begins....

This is the start of a tirade that questions the very integrity of the four councillors and accuses them of wasting taxpayer money on a study when they already received accurate information from Jim Thibert, head of the EDTC.

So instead, they voted 4-3 to hire an outside company. The question is, how was it tendered? How did they get the contract? How did they do their study, it happened real fast and was put together in less than two weeks. Did I hear Bob Steckley state in last night’s meeting that the report was roughly 6 pages long? That works out to $5000 a page including cover letter and index. The ninjas pump out more pages for the people of Fort Erie in one day for free. There are people in this town who bust their humps day in and day out to not even come close to making $30,000 and far too many who wish they could make that much in a year.
So once again, 4 men on council used our tax money for their own personal gain. They paid $30,000 for an opposing opinion to try and make Jim Thibert look wrong only they aren’t smart enough to realize that the they just insulted 30 of our top businesses in town with this report.


 November 19, 2012 Council in Committee Meeting - 2012

From the office of the CAO (That would be the Acting Chief Administrative Officer Ron Tripp.)


Hemson Consulting Ltd. be retained to provide the Corporation of the 
Town of Fort Erie with consulting services for the preparation of a 
Development Charges Background Study in the amount of $44,578.50 
(including HST). 

The recommendation went on to recount the tender process and how Hemson scored the highest on the criteria although it was not the least expensive. 

Here are the results of that recommendation, from the minutes of that meeting:

 Recommendation No. 6 
Moved by: Councillor Shular 
THAT:Hemson Consulting Ltd. be retained to provide the Corporation of the 
Town of Fort Erie with consulting services for the preparation of a Development 
Charges Background Study in the amount of $44,578.50 (including hst). 

So, the ninjas' Good Ole Buddy moved the motion to hire the consulting firm to perform the study and the money for the study was provided by an amendment to the capital budget of 2012 from the development charge reserve fund.

THAT: the 2012 Operating Budget be amended to include a budget of $42,000 
for the 2012 Development Charge Background Study with funding from 
the Development Charge Reserve. 


So, the whole post was a lie, based on the fevered imaginations of the ninjas, fueled by their hatred for four councillors.

Now for today's laugh, coming directly off the keyboard of the chief ass-clown of the One-Trick-Pony-Parade:

Our job here at the ninja is the tough one. An assault on our intelligence has been launched by these special interest groups in town, by former and current councilors. We are at war over the truth! We are at war over getting the right information out to the public vs. the false. As tough as that task is, we are somehow winning. My guess is that we are winning because of one simple fact, over the years, we have been getting it right and our predictions have come true and our numbers keep growing.

Editor's Note: I deleted some comments because they are off-topic. Not my usual way but I think we all need to focus on what has been exposed here. This is what the ninjas have been doing.  This time, we caught them in a bold-faced lie - actually a bunch of lies.  Comments meant to detract from the matter at hand will be deleted. We have proved our point.


  1. I am a proud member of one of these special interest is a very small group numbering most of the west end of FE and called.......NO WAY WE WILL LET THE MAYOR PROFIT BY GIVING OUR BEACH AWAY CLUB.......probably a little too much truth here for some...

  2. Don't ya just love the internet and Google? Bonito must have OD'd on the Kool Aid Tuesday night. Sounds like they could qualify for a group rate at rehab. Hard to put down the crack pipe of hatred though.

  3. "An assault on our intelligence..."

    That would be like assaulting Lockwood's credibility.


  4. "The ninjas are here to ensure accuracy, mistakes get made, but we will rectify them."

    So PLEASE give us the date when you plan on SHUTTING DOWN your embarrassingly simple minded, half assed, hate filled bucket of bullshit will you ?

    Oh and greggers .. looks like your really grabbing hold of all the "gusto" there with your little buddies.
    Make sure ya wash your hands eh?

  5. No doubt Chief Copeland made the RIGHT CALL on trimming down the more hazardous parts of our now famous ice caves. With the weather that's inbound the men and women of the FEFD and the other 1st responders will be busy enough without thousands flocking to a potentially dangerous natural phenomenon.
    On the other hand, in today's FE Times article EDTC head honcho Jim Thibert typically missed another golden opportunity to advertise the fact that Crystal Beach's Abino Bay, year after year, offers an ever changing look into natures beauty, power and sometimes even fury. He could have acknowledged the huge POSITIVE impact that this particular (and rare) event had on all the businesses that hosted so many mid-winter visitors to Crystal Beach.
    Instead we heard what amounted to nothing less than a miserable old man yelling
    Get off my lawn!

    Honest to God.
    Do you think this DB could be even slightly positive about this rather fascinating and jaw dropping occurrence?
    From the the guy who's job it is to promote tourism we get this quote:
    "...the ice caves could end up costing more than they're worth"
    Perhaps it's time we ask ourselves if keeping a sh*t for brains in this capacity is costing US more than he's worth?
    And Jim. What is the $ value of shove ice? If anyone would know it would be Fort Erie's Official "Ice Hole"

  6. PALPS does not get revenues from the Town. PALPS are volunteers that collect ticket money from visitors and account for every cent when returning the unsold tickets along with the Town earnings. The volunteers handle the tours for free. The Town pays for the bus service to the lighthouse.
    In fact the volunteers took over ticket sales responsibilities so that the Town no longer hires an extra person.

  7. Folks, this is how the person who blogs under the ninja site reacts when he is exposed as a liar. He sends me threatening e-mails or calls the police. He threatens to sue me, demanding that I remove everything that is posted about his website. He does see that he has put up lies and nasty stuff on his blog that have impacted the lives of innocent people. He does not care. He only cares when he is on the receiving end. Everything that is in today's post has been verified and vetted. The quotes are exact and the correct information came right from the town website.

    Harassment is calling the police numerous times on someone; accusing people of felonies; publishing that someone is under police investigation; calling for the boycott of certain businesses; making anti-American statements; following people; and waging a lie-filled smear campaign against duly elected representatives. Things I have never done - nor will do.

    I have always fought for the "little people," those who do have the strength to stand up to bullies and whose rights are under threat. When I was a union organizer, I endured much worse than these local lowlifes are handing out and, eventually we won bargaining rights for a group of mostly female employees who were badly mistreated and denied due process.

    We will continue to fight to save our public waterfront property from private development. We will not let bullies stand in the way of the people's will. Just look at whom they support if you have any doubts about their character. One of them used taxpayer money ($20,000) to sue me because he did not like what I wrote about him. Is that the type of person you want running your town?

  8. What I noticed is that the story of the biggest thing to happen in Fort Erie in the middle of winter ended up on Page 3 of the Fort Erie Times and that article stressed the problems with so many visitors and the needs to take down the caves. Nothing much positive in the Post either. Sure, I agree that it was a wise decision to take down the caves considering the weather predictions and safety concerns, but the dwelling on the few injuries was excessive. I do not recall such attention to detail when the Friendship Festival is on. Injuries and ambulance calls are quite common at that event. Odds are it will happen when a large group of people are in one area. Couple that with the fact that people are traversing real ice and possibly climbing on the caves, there are bound to be accidents. Better the articles reported the boon to local businesses and how they coped with the influx. I know that Crystal Beach business owners were elated and many used the opportunity to promote their businesses. Many of the weekend visitors will come back in better weather now that they see what we have to offer.

    Overall, the ice caves were a very good thing for Fort Erie.

    1. well
      looks like what's good for crystal beach is nothing but trouble for JT and co eh?
      imagine that
      was martin in town or has thibert finally commandeered full imperial power and bitching privileges?
      {talk about from the pan to the fire will ya}

      if it ain't mine it ain't success
      {book of JT 1:10}

  9. Here is Jim Thibert's expert opinion:

    “There is no way to capitalize on the ice caves, they can’t really be exploited for any business purposes because they’re too unpredictable,” said Jim Thibert, general manager of the town’s Economic Development and Tourism Corporation. “Unless this was something that happened every year at the same time, there is no real way to market the ice caves.”

    Niagara This Week

  10. I guess FEs self appointed goon of the dark side can dish, as he has bragged time and time again, but cannot take. Typical of this low a level of character.

    Priceless that bonito can mouth the word harassment when that is all he has lived for the last couple years. Shoe is on the other foot, how does it feel. Only a small taste of what you have subject some to.

    If karma ever really catches up to you..............

  11. You could always twin with Toronto LOL!!

  12. Trying to see the forest for the trees and in an effort to generate some discourse, I am wondering how this town has such a very large split down it's middle. East vs West.

    It absolutely ALL started with the Bay Beach condo. Mayor Redekop went there briefly, years ago, and to his credit backed off when he realized what a political hot potato it was. So why in the world, one has to ask, does his successor go to EXTREME lengths to ram such an unpopular and risky political decision down the throats of half of his own town. Does he just hate Crystal Beach or is there more to it than just spite. It was a decision that came within a inch of costing him his job.

    Our current mayor must have had a very large incentive to put all of us through this including himself.


  13. Of course you're right. That is why they are trying so hard to shut me up as well as anyone else who is against this condo deal. The taxpayers are not going to benefit from this - in fact it will cost everyone down the road - except the developers and those who helped them get this passed. Does not anyone watch what is going on in this world? How many deals have been made where elected officials or their appointees gain from supporting certain developments? Lots.

    The condo at Bay Beach had no guarantee that it would spur the local economy. Just because there was to be some retail space open in the first floor does not bring in hordes over the winter - unless ice caves form in front of the tower. LOL.

    How quickly people forget that the Molinaros originally pitched the tower as "aging in place." Not only were they misusing the term, it turned out to be an epic fail.

    The whole deal seems to have been cooked up in some back room where a lot of promises were made. The people weren't in on "the deal." They just wanted to keep the Bay Beach Properties public.

    And speaking about anti-development: what about the mayor and his cronies' opposition to the Ambassador truck bridge? Would have meant thousands of jobs. Now the mayor is upset because there was a big meeting regarding the Peace Bridge and he wasn't invited. Some would like all truck traffic to go through Lewiston-Queenston in future.

    The Ambassador Bridge would have been up and running by now - except that anti-development Doug Martin and others blocked it.

  14. If anyone believes the bay beach condo issue is over they are sadly mistaken.

    No other issue in recent times has had such a negative impact on local politics and the plans supporters are prepared to do "whatever it takes".

    And if anyone thinks the division cannot possibly get any worse just keep an eye on the ninja hate page. It's sponsors are just getting warmed up and they want heads.

    1. Actually, I was hoping that the recent smack down the ninjas received would have ended or severely curtailed their hateful postings, but, not they just don't "get it."

      BTW, the person who posted here by name and made some interesting comments has been proven to also be a liar. What is with these people? Can't tell the truth - even about little things, like how many houses they own.

    2. The Molinaro sales trailer at Bay Beach still has a sign on it saying, "Open." Would it be too much trouble for that sign to be removed? Or better yet, for "Project Cancelled" to be painted over the sign?

  15. Do these Ninjas (can't even type that without laughing hysterically) even bother to listen to the council meetings or do they just make this shit up as they go along???
    At last weeks meeting the consultant did a presentation and the minutes from that meeting read "Mr. Binning provided background information beginning in July 2009 when Council passed By-law No. 98-09 that imposed development charge rates for all eligible Town services. On July 12, 2014 the Town’s current Development Charge By-law will expire and prior to the passage of a new by-law, the Town must undertake a background study and hold at least one public meeting." Hey Ninjacompoops, it says that the town MUST undertake a background study.
    You are the one who is insulting my intelligence by posting such outright lies and dribble.
    How about you go back to grabbing guys crotches which it appears you are very fond of, and leaving the reports of council to someone who actually listens to them and can report accurately.
    By the way, those stripes are very slimming!

  16. just so you know , for fun I am going to start a facebook page all about YOU, keep in mind I have lived here a long long time , and know many many people , so buckle up sunshine you just woke a sleeping bear . You can tell DM and all the other ghost writers to man up or suffer the same thing I am not is a coward. For the record , we the little people never asked for your help ever , and we the little people would like it if you SHUT YOUR TRAP, and mind YOUR business. I am guessing you feel like you have won over the condo issue. Let me clear something up for your small mind , it had nothing at all to do with you .So keep an eye for YOUR new FB page , it's going to be great , would you like me to add you? After all you will be the topic.


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