Monday, August 11, 2014


The chief Poobah of the racetrack and the EDTC was on local radio this morning bragging about the sale of the Fort Erie Racetrack's 388 acres to a Buffalo group headed by Carl Paladino and a couple of collection agency owners.  Lively group that will be.

So, folks, do you remember the recent kerfuffle about a parcel of racetrack land that the town was considering buying?  "Whatever happened to that?" you might ask.  Well, nothing really, except that Jim Thibert had a hissy fit because a couple of members of council said that the proposed acquisition was "bonusing." "Perhaps Jim Thibert did not understand that such an incentive to sweeten the deal for a potential buyer was bonusing," you might say. Oh, but you would be wrong!

Because Jim Thibert knows bonusing.  He knows it so well that he used it as an excuse as to why his EDTC was having trouble luring new businesses and manufacturers. Here is what he said just this past January:

 “With bonusing laws, we also can’t give away free land, free services, or defer taxes, something they can do easily over in New York.”

Thibert said this in his annual profanity-laced apologia to council on the economic state of the Town of Fort Erie. Always quick to blame council, especially this council, Thibert used the incentives offered to businesses in New York State as the reason Fort Erie was dragging behind in attracting new enterprises.

Then, he allegedly tried to use that technique to sweeten the deal with the potential new owners of the racetrack. Fortunately, council did not take the offer, thus avoiding a potential legal problem with the sale.  In fact, El-Ad (Nordic Games) insisted that the parcel not be broken up for sale, so the plan to buy 13 acres on Industrial Drive was never going to be part of the deal.

It didn't stop Jim Thibert from blowing a gasket and suing Ward 5 Councillor Don Lubberts for Conflict of Interest.  Thibert maintained that Lubberts' employer had done electrical work for David Compson, the reputed broker of the deal with the Buffalo group, and that Lubberts was in conflict because of it. Lubberts maintains that he checked with his lawyer and was given the go-ahead to take part in the discussions. Reports have come back that Compson and others were not amused by the lawsuit and apologies were sent around.

So, Thibert has been on a short leash regarding the sale and he was finally able to speak about it early this morning.  Suddenly, Fort Erie is in the midst of a major boon and has become a happening place - all because the Buffalo guys bought the track. OK. Then Thibert went on to talk about the multi-million dollar marina project on the Niagara River and the Canadian Motor Speedway as if they were already done and in operation. (Just like in one of his shiney brochures of a couple of years ago where the Bay Beach Project, the Canadian Motor Speedway, and the marina were included as though they were already running, but the restored Point Abino Light Station was omitted.) 

Guess that was another example of Thibert's selective memory.

Now we know for a fact that Thibert does know bonusing.

Editor's Note: RIP Robin Williams. One of the funniest guys ever.


  1. I can't understand why you would be so full of hatred for JT and not see the potential for the TOWN OF FORT ERIE which, by the way Crystal Beach is part of. Don't you want development anywhere in your lifetime. Don't you want development that could lower our tax rate and give people a chance for employment in this area? Take a walk on the beach and reflect on the growth potential that is in this community. Stop being so anti anything that the FOUR didn't propose. You are becoming more of a wretch than the other blogs describe you as.

    1. You're reading this all wrong. I am not against development but the town has made some serious mistakes re: development over the years. And I have no respect for Jim Thibert. I was talking about bonusing because it is illegal in Canada. Fort Erie has a lot to offer. I just want to see it develop in an appropriate and sensible way.

    2. view_from_the_beachAugust 12, 2014 at 8:55 AM

      BIG G
      Not only are you incorrect in your assertion about this blogs maintainer you HAVE NO IDEA how desperate Thibert's latest folly REALLY IS!
      This group of "investors" has been living off the rotting carcass of old Buffalo for years now.
      One look at any of their projects downtown and you'll see these guy's are nothing more than shake down artists.

    3. Hope Paladino remembers to leave his gun in the States this afternoon for the press conference re: the track property. According to Carl, in the Buffalo News, his group will not save live racing. He figures it's up to the province to fund the track - over $7 million this year alone.

  2. Shake down artists at the very least, (an insult to the term artist, by the way). Im pretty sure if Pal wanted a handgun to carry while here there would be one within arms reach within a few moments from one of his associates. This will be convenient, as when "the province" doesent "pony" up the dough the horses go on a career vacation and the new track owners can blame the gods of commerce at Queens Park for not flying over and dropping a few bales of thousand dollar bills into the EDTC parking lot for them to munch on. Very convenient!! Maybe those Buffalos could at least have a marble slab inscribed with "Well, We Tried" to be fastened over the door at town hall. . "And Theyre Off !!!! ( the hook that is).

  3. The bonusing allegation is getting tossed around quite a bit but with no real explanation. Please explain exactly what section of the Act you feel was going to be violated by the alleged deal.

    1. It is being said that the town lawyer even called the proposed purchase possibly would be bonusing.

      Just last night in council Rick Shular talked about the town might be interested in buying some of the "shovel ready" industrial lands currently privately owned. WTF? Is the town going into the real estate business? Wasn't the Mentholatum Building fiasco enough? Shular thinks the town/EDTC should buy property to offer as an incentive to potential buyers.

      Sounds like potential bonusing to me. But I'm no expert.

      Trying to defend the indefensible, again, Che?

      Are you a member of the Guardians for Better Government? 4-2-0?

  4. Just looking for answers. I've provided a link to the Municipal Act, 2001 and I'm simply wondering how this qualifies as bonusing. I don't see it, but as the one making/repeating the allegation I thought you might be able to explain it. That's all. Just trying to understand. If you don't have the answer, why not just admit it. There is no need to attack me for asking what I believe is a valid question.

    1. I don't think you're just looking for answers. It's never that simple with you. Anyway, I trust the opinion and information I received from legal experts. I suggest that you're trying to take the focus off the fact that Thibert knows about bonusing. Just providing a link to the Municipal Act is not always the definitive answer. Precendence and court interpretation can better define a term. Again, it was deemed to be bonusing by a municipal attorney. That's good enough for me.

  5. WARNING! The ninja blog contains a link to the supposed sales agreement for the condos. DO NOT OPEN! It is a trap/tracking link. Ninjas are very nervous right now. They are desperate as their world is about to be shaken up.

  6. Right now the ninjas are realizing that a storm is coming - a major sh#t storm. They have already taken down the "link." Certain co-conspirators are looking for ways to keep their involvement in Project 4-2-0 out of the public's knowledge. They are scrambling to cover up their involvement. Finally, the truth will come to light.

  7. Bonusing or inducements can only be done by Queens Park , no Municipality can offer inducments, thats the law, this Town has done it in the past by giving a free water and sewer line to MBB when it opened up in the mid 1980 s They also got huge grants from the Federal and Provincial governments , The sewer services were supplied by raiding the current water and sewer accounts, they never debentured the new system, a violation of the Municipal Act.

  8. Hi i am curious as to what project 4-2-0 is?...i am aware of the ninja blog but not this project you speak of.

    1. You will have to ask Doug Martin or Jim Thibert about it. It is their project. Or figure it out yourself. What do you think it means? Pretty obvious, eh?

  9. The United States is out of control !!!!!!!

  10. I can only hope that someone blows the lid off all the absolute crap that dirty doug and jimmie dirt bag have pulled. Would make a great expose but the press here is either complicit(nephew Kris etc) or turns a blind eye to avoid the hell the likes of which The Four have been subjected too.

    I also can only hope that the FOUR leave a soon to be parting gift for ol boy Jimmie in the form of a pink slip and a cab ride to the edge of town before the ol boys and their Chamber plants return us to the old ways that have made this town the laughing stock that it is. Lets face it, the odds of a majority of council actually trying to clean things up happen once in a blue moon here as graft greed n pigs at the trough rule locally. But hey who am I, just someone who pays for all this expensive stupidity.

    This all would make a great novel too, non fiction of course.

    1. Your wish may be coming through very soon. I now have in my possession actual proof of what was code named 4-2-0 which was the plot to eliminate the four councillors. Public documents from the cross-examinations of Shular, Passero, Whitfield and Martin will show the plot and the lawsuit designed to discredit and destroy BpbSteckley, John Hill, don Lubberts and Paul Collard. And you'll never guess who started this project. LOL. My favourite non-elected sue-crazed gangsta wannabe Jim Thibert.

  11. Show the proof you lunatic.

    1. I will very shortly. Getting nervous? I certainly hope so. This lunatic has the smoking gun and then some.

    2. Talking about smoke .... you are throwing out more "smoke and mirrors" as usual.

      Yo have a history, an M.O. of always accusing and never, not once back it up. You say you have in your possession actual proof of what was code named 4-2-0 which was the plot to eliminate the four councillors.

      Obviously, this is yet another one of your delusional lies, because if you did, you know you would be publishing it in a flash ...... Breaking News .... and your usual B.S.

    3. Susan you are the one that is trying to do the "smoke and Mirrors" you and your buddies that have been attacking and trying to get rid of 3 of the councilors ever since they got elected in 2010 and have added Bob to the group as well. You people have trying to do that because they haven't voted the way you people seem fit! The Most recent Court case is an Obvious attack on those men!

  12. Very James Bondish....or childish......pick one!!

    1. Getting nervous? You should be.

    2. Childish!!! How about a blog that calls itself Ninja, looks like cartoon characters and protects the Fort with their masks, capes and squared off swords. Yup, really grown up and mature!


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