Thursday, October 9, 2014


I hear that Marina Butler's Facebook Party at Trailsides was sparsely attended. Like hardly anyone went. So much for campaigning on Facebook.  Not everyone has time to blather on social media. The low turn-out at her Meet and Greet may be due to the fact that no one is paying an attention to the idiots on Facebook.

The question is: where were her supporters? All those Facebook people who claim to be supporters of her efforts. You know, the ninja crowd that has mocked incumbent John Hill mercilessly.  Why weren't they there, eating up the free food? 

Perhaps the Greek Chorus from the Stevensville Hecklefest had been told to stay away. Their behaviour actually worked against them. They may have kept people away from council meetings by their disrespectful actions - at least there is an alternative: the sometimes garbled live stream. Those who wanted to hear what the candidates had to say on Candidates Night in Stevensville  were upset by the misbehaviour of the few losers from the ninja crowd. Does anyone really think that people are that easily swayed?  Let's hope not.

Let's hope that people see through the long, long list of malicious attempts to unseat four duly elected councillors by people like a mayor-by-five-votes; a couple of loser former councillors; a candidate who admits she helped fund a lawsuit against the four; and an ego-maniacal EDTC boss who has verbally crapped all over the town and the province and especially the taxpayers of Fort Erie.

Too bad one of Jimmy's hand-picked candidates had a par-tay where no one showed up.  


  1. view_from_the_beachOctober 9, 2014 at 7:22 PM

    Here's hoping that voters are seeing what these jokers are really up to.
    Example you ask?
    Butler's "platform" reveals a promise to create jobs for Fort Erie?
    This coming from a women whose business model is having her hand in the pockets of her victims..err I mean clients.
    Her "service" is about as useful as a tapeworm in your belly.
    Think I'm kidding.. just ask a few of the NOT so choosen ones and you'll get an earfull

    1. Lots of people can attest to that. So-called "employment agencies" feed off the desperation of the unemployed, offering minimum wage temp jobs (minus the fees). Her company also took over HR at the racetrack. She would have a conflict of interest and be unable to discuss or vote on practically every issue as she is so enmeshed with the track and other businesses.

  2. Trialsides, a sports bar, that is to say, a LOT of TV, Ms. Butler may be getting advice from the guys that dont want to miss somthing on the big screen, never mind some sort of meat and geek. Look up the word class at least once over the next 4 years, before the next election, and make a few better choices, starting with where you choose to meet your perspective voters, Ms. Bee.

    1. I love Trailsides. Great place. Not the best place for a meet and grope. I still wonder where all her supporters were.

  3. Did anyone see PK's comment on the political site? He actually admits that he was shooting for a ground floor restaurant in the condo.

    1. There should be a Twelve Step program for Facebook addicts like Peter K. I have a large collection of screen shots from these fools. The lies and personal attacks. Every once in a while, I throw a line in and then watch them apeshit. Amusing on a quiet day.

  4. It just verifies what many of us suspected all along. Those who were so supportive of the Bay Beach Condo had their own personal interests in mind, yet they accuse those of us who just want to save parkland for future generations of doing so for self-interest.

  5. bring in the clowns...October 10, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    Yeah I had a good laugh when I saw petey's comment. I thought he used to claim that he had no "skin" in the condo project. you think his head will explode if Passero is elected Mayor (or at minimum makes good with his threats and packs up and leaves Fort Erie once and for all)?? May almost be worth the risk for another 4 years of uncertainty. Then again, he is on his way to self destructing as it is...

  6. I remember distinctly the answer that Peter K. gave at the OMB Hearing when Reid Rossi asked if he wanted to open another restaurant at the condo. Peter said "NO, but it would be a wonderful business opportunity".
    Didn't Peter also brag later on a blog that he was going to buy TWO penthouse condos?

    I recall Winnie Swalm who also testified at the OMB for the Molinaros and the Town promoted the condo development. Didn't she also even testify that she wanted to buy one? So she could still have her window to the lake!

    We, in this community feel that that Public Land should remain all public for future generations. We all can't live on the waterfront, therefore let's share!

    1. Yeah, and we used to joke that Mia Russell was promised the chance to decorate the model suite in the condo. Maybe we were right. LOL

  7. That would be a shocking cold white space, by a shockingly cold white hobbit.

  8. and ask yourself why was Mayor Doug Martin so strongly promoted the Molinaro 12 storey condo on public waterfront? That condo has factored into EVERYTHING he has said or done for the past 8 years.
    It isn't even close to his own home.

    Why wouldn't he promote the Coal Dock area. Jarvis could really use a catalyst for development there. All the candidates sure love the idea of the Coal Docks getting developed. Oh, yeah Sandy Annunziatta somehow at the end of his term on Council slipped it back from an 8 storey zoning to parkland.

    These new candidates should think about that a moment. Yet Sandy and Whitfield voted with Martha Lockwood and the mayor, FOUR VOTES to pass the Molinaro Condo Development.

    1. why would diirty doug so vehemently promote the condo against so much opposition for so long(and split a town in 2 doing it!)??.....

      .easiest question in the world, so blatantly obvious normal thinking caring people question it.

      The answer........


      this is your legacy not hat you care in the least but it is still a small town and some people will spit on you for the rest of the time you live here for doing it

  9. And Martha was talking in May of this year about how the Molinaros' were in discussions with Port Colborne to build a condo on Nickel Beach. What happened to that?

    1. That was a bald faced lie. Actually, Nickle Beach is receiving funding to save the sand dunes so that the beach will receive a Blue Flag designation. Many of us hope to see that important designation for Bay Beach.

  10. Here's some advice..
    If Martha tells you it's 2:15.. Check your watch!
    As too how a "minister" can be caught in so many lies is a mystery to many?

    1. You know. I almost titled this piece "It's My Party and I'll Lie if I Want To" but so few showed up so Marina didn't even get a chance to lie. Perfect title for Martha.


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