Instead of a Meet the Candidates Night, it was Mistreat the Incumbents Night at the Stevensville Memorial Hall on Thursday, October 2, 2014 which featured candidates running in Wards 4,5 and 6. At least that was what Team Jimmy did in order to trick potential voters into thinking that the EDTC is doing a great job bringing jobs and industries to Fort Erie and that the three incumbent councillors have done nothing.
Some of those candidates who lavished praise on Jim Thibert appeared to be recent converts to the team. Mark Wilkie once stated on Facebook that "if the town invested in infrastructure instead of a dead horse track that only provides temporary part time jobs, maybe our roads, sewers, and water lines would be in better shape!" That was then, now Wilkie is all aboard Team Jimmy following a special meeting at the race track hosted by Thibert where he brainwashed (actually a light rinse would have sufficed) the invited to his greatest hits: a marina that has been stalled for years; a speedway that will not open until at least 2017 and a race track that subsists on millions of taxpayer dollars.
The complicit Fort Erie Chamber of Commerce provided the questions for the candidates that were heavily weighted in favour of Jimmy's arm's length corporation and against the many good things that the three incumbent councillors have achieved in the past four years. It was a well-staged hit piece that follows the scenario put into effect shortly after the 2010 election. That plan, dubbed Project 4-2-0, started with the slander lawsuit against me; Compliance Audits against three of the winning councillors; attacks in local newspapers and social media; and then a lawsuit against the four for conflict of interest, the latter being the apparent brainchild of Thibert and Mayor-by-five-votes Doug Martin.
The Usual Suspects were in attendance in force, waiting for their cues to heckle and disrupt the proceedings. Typical of the bully mentality so prevalent in Thibert's speeches and presentations to council. This is a man who likened the town to a prostitute and was behind a banner that hung at Town Hall insulting the Liberal government in Queen's Park.
Thibert himself had filed a separate suit against Ward 5 Councillor Donnie Lubberts for conflict of interest. In an article describing Lubberts' possible conflict, the Icon of Conflict*, Jim Thibert used foul language that is totally inappropriate for the man who represents Fort Erie. Great attitude, eh? And are the taxpayers going to pay for this lawsuit as well?
So, what we have come to call The Dark Side is now congratulating itself for a "successful event." Marina Butler, who brought a Compliance Audit against John Hill after the 2010 election; and helped fund the lawsuit against the four councillors; appeared to have been provided with the questions in advance. Of course she would; she's a member of the CofC inner circle and ally of Thibert.
So, it still comes down to this: this election is all about Jim Thibert. He has been behind all the events and lawsuits leading up to this day. His fingerprints are all over this election in the way legendary Boss Tweed would approve.
Update: I failed to note the comic relief provided by George Jardine. He may have used colourful language but he was dead right about the state of affairs in Fort Erie.
Greg Bonito was finally served court papers after a failed attempt at the event.
The backlash against the Chamber and the behaviour of the certain people at the event has spread. Some actually left when it got so out of hand. They are now firmly in the camp of the incumbent in their ward. Before, many came to hear the candidates before making their decision. Afterwards, they were very angry that the proceedings were allowed to get so out of hand.
*How can the General Manager of the Economic Development and Tourism Corporation also be the head of the Fort Erie Live Racing Corsortium? Only in Fort Erie, eh?
Opened my eyes to a lot hearing last evening event
ReplyDeleteWasn't there as some people have to work to fund all this waste of tax $$$. Just as well for some of the dark side.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to take the gloves off and fight fire with fire.
I think Thibert should run for political office seeing as he knows how to run everything. Wonder how many votes this puppet master would get from the general public? May a good thing to do is change how EDTC heads are hired, they should be voted on by the taxpayers, we couldn't do any worse than the current situation.
ReplyDeleteIt was blatantly obvious how staged this event was. If anything, I think it showed how stupid they think the residents of Fort Erie are. They may have actually hurt their chances as I would hope people realized what a biased farce this was.
ReplyDeleteAs for what world does he think he has anything to do with the millers creek marina. Last time I checked, this is on NPC property...a provincial org., not municipal! Anything he did have to do with it several years ago was thrown out by the NPC...hmm wonder why. It is idiotic that the EDTC still has any reference to it on their website. Also, still waiting to see any form of decent tourism product come out of that office...keep getting questions from tourists looking for TOURIST information! Why aren't they marketing the hell out of the friendship trail...or at least working with the region to do so. Oh wait, that would have meant that our regional councillor would have actually had to do something on behalf of Fort Erie.
Serious question though...does anyone actually know what our Regional councillor did for Fort Erie for the past 4+ years? I have been trying to find info but haven't been able to come up with much. Just trying to figure out what reason someone would have for voting for him again.
Everything Thibert does is subsidized.
He's managed to leverage a desperate group of greedy, self centered, local political leeches to carry his agenda and do his bidding.
By turning this election process into the shit pile it's become, he's simply betting that the CoC machine will be able to deliver more votes than a thoroughly disgusted, shell shocked populace can counter.
It would be nice to have the" Lions or another impartial organisation" to hold Candidates Nights, as the questions were not pertaining to local problems ,I think it is time to save money by using the Regions EDTC which we already pay for , from our taxes, it would save money for a new pool or road work, we spent more money on roads 20 years ago than we do now.
ReplyDeleteCome on Porgey 600 grand plus plus a year is a bargain for "our brand" of EDTC. The entertainment value alone is worth that.......wait thats about all we get for keeping Jimmie Dirt Bag off the dole and his snout out of another public trough.
DeleteI love how his ethics are supposedly challenged with all these conflicts of interest but he himself is conflicted as how can the head of the EDTC make impartial decisions when he is the head of another local business. Only in Fort Stupid could he get away with this. Must of smelled sucker written all over us when he first showed up after getting his ass kicked out of his previous publicly paid gig up north.
They wised up after awhile. We never will.
PS......I love how we pay him to sue ourselves with our very own money.
DeleteYeah but, so far The Four duly elected politicians are paying their lawyers [note, 2 sets of lawyers because 2 voted one way, 2 the other way] to defend the Conflict of Interest charges. Once the judge decides the case is nuisance, there was no harassment [as martin admitted in sworn testimony that senior staff advised Heather Salter had no grounds to sue], then the Councillors are to be reimbursed.
ReplyDeleteGuess who pays in the end? Oh, never mind I will tell you, it's the Town, us taxpayers.
The answer to the question what did the Regional Rep do the past 4 years ,is a big fat ZERO.! just like Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee the 16 years before him , Teal was a bump on a log when he was on Town Council back in the 1980s,. nothing like his father. not a chip off the old block at all .I, before becoming very ill and went on chemo therapy , used to go to council meetings every Monday at Jarvis Street and the library , just like some people go to church services.
ReplyDeleteAre these guy's NUTS !!!!!
ReplyDeleteAn Apology From The Fort Erie Ninja.
Looks like there will be a 4th successfully convicted slander case in Canada.
If you look at the letter he received, it is missing the second page. That is where the Cease and Desist line is probably included. Bonito can't even get out of "character" to respond/give a half-baked apology. His response written by someone with basic legal skills. No way did Bonito come up with words like "syntax" on his own. At least he was given proper notice.
DeleteI read all 3 pages. Nothing seems to be missing to me. But I have to agree that Bonito's response was quite insincere.
ReplyDeleteYou did not notice that there were page(s) missing? Three versions of the same first page of the letter to Bonito is not complete. Never mind. It is now in the hands of the attorneys.
DeleteIsn't it rich that martha's dog that bungled the ballot box four years ago is the same that yelped out of turn at the Candidates Meeting? No manners, no scruples.
ReplyDeleteMarcus has made an appearance again! Shouldn't people be asking themselves, Why so adamant, why would they want to just only have one person picking up and delivering those ballets?
DeleteBoss Tweed is the corrupt political official who brought graft, theft and back stabbing to new heights in New York City in the dirty late 1880s., makes the famous Huey Long of Louisiana, look like a choir boy in comparison.,