UPDATE: The case will proceed to trial for unlawful dismissal. No deal was struck.
It appears that the case of former Bridgeburg BIA office manager against the Town of Fort Erie has been settled without a court case.
SC-14-00009661-0000 is the number assigned to the case that was scheduled for a conference room at the Welland Court House on January 9, 2015.The docket called it a "Settlement Conference" which means that the public may never know exactly what happened in the case or whether there was harassment of Ms. Landry by certain Bridgeburg BIA Board members, including then Ward 1 Councillor Stephen Passero.
If the "elimination" of Ms. Landry's job last winter involved any of The Four Councillors (It wasn't!) they would have been the target of much ridicule and possibly another lawsuit. Somehow, Passero gets a pass for his alleged behaviour in this event. Makes one wonder just who is still supporting the losing mayoral candidate. One person who supports Passero is herself a former BIA office manager, Peggy Tedder Thompson who has wreaked havoc in every position she has held, especially her job as the BIA manager where she set up a scenario that caused the ousting of two decent businessmen from the BIA board. Where is she now?
Monday night's council meeting should be interesting as the new council grapples with the task of replacing the late Rick Shular in Ward 2. It would seem, according to past practice, that the runner-up, John Millicone, should first be considered. We'll see just how political the new councillors are. In a recent news story, Marina Butler showed her lack of knowledge when she opined that no one had run against Rick Shular in the recent municipal election. She's in favour of an expensive by-election.
Personally, the thought of a return of the Poltergeist (Stephen Passero) to council would be a real tragedy. He screws up everything he's involved in. Hey Stephen: how's that Underwater Recovery take-over of the Kinsmen Pool coming along? You know, the one you tried to ride into the mayor's job. Yeah, really. Go back to your unregistered cupcake job and your sometime wife. Please stay out of local politics.
I am wondering why a Council would even consider the prospect of Passero taking a seat. He didn't keep his oath last time to keep confidential matters confidential. Didn't he even misrepresent the vote to pay off Heather Salter as noted in the Conflict of Interest documentation? He and the mayor made up THAT 4 to 3 vote with Bob Steckley and John Hill to just pay her to leave. Mayor martin admitted under oath that Heather Salter didn't have grounds for a harassment charge to even be filed. Passero back stabbed his fellow Councillors.
ReplyDeleteI think someone who has had experience should however be considered, there are already four rookies, Just not Pessaro!
in just about the rest of the world ............RUNNER UP GETS THE NOD PERIOD!in these situations..........except Fort Stupid.,
DeleteI don't know a thing about John Mollicone except he wanted a chance at that seat and put his name forward. NO ONE ELSE!! the fact that he hasn't already been appointed speaks volumes about just how tainted the local populace and it's twisted ruling elite has become from decades of what is the norm here.........underhanded Bullsh1t,.
Do I despise Pissaro, absolutely, that said, it has nothing to do with it. Pissaro and everyone else in FE (except Mollicone) did not run for Ward 2. Give Mollicone his due and not some other scum sucking self serving opportunist that this town is full of.
I met John Mollicone when he was putting up signs in Black Creek for the early voting, He felt that somebody should run against Rick Shuler and that he should not be acclaimed. I know nothing about where he stands on the issues. but then he is no worse then any of the dozens of people elected to Town Council in the past ,.the voters don't have a clue about what is going on either.
ReplyDeleteWe hope John gets out there and says something to the right people. Lets hope he isnt just staying quiet and hopeing for good luck for him to get that position in council. Make some moves John, lets hear what you have to offer before insiders push you out of the way.
DeleteWhen the election was called, many of us were hoping that someone would run against Shular. He did not deserve to be acclaimed. I was glad that someone had the nerve to place their name against his. Although I know very little about John Millicone, he put his money ($100. to register alone) and his time in to wage a campaign against Shular. True democracy in action. Shular won handily, but some remember how close the election was in 2010 when he beat Sue Salzer by about 70 votes in the ward where there were some ballot "problems."
DeleteI believe that it should be offered to Millicone. If he chooses not to accept the position, then other options should be considered.
Probly put Passero in as a distraction. While many people are crying and shaking their heads a set of new and rotton business deals will quietly slide by. Why should it be any different than before. As a distraction he will be of some use to the goings on in council. Besides doesent he support many of the pro chamber positions now being cobbled together to form an "agenda"?
ReplyDeleteTo quote yourself and directed at yourself: " Please stay out of local politics. "
ReplyDeleteGet Ready Eddie! Eddie Haskel got his photo op.
ReplyDeleteSteve Pessaro waited for all the Polar Bear Dippers to go back and forth in mass the three times. THEN Pessaro made his photo op entrance. Lots of pictures will be in the headlines of him, yet again. He never stops campaigning.
I agree, first offer the position for ward 2 Councillor to John Millicone, please!
Senseless Ron on the Ninjugs site has been watching too much TV it would seem, a top ten list for Mr. Lub to...well.. its a bit hard to follow... run for an additional place on the town council?? There must be something, anything, that would call such an insightfull blogger to turn their attentions to. Turn of the TV..uh Ron.. that top ten stuff was done to a late demise many years ago. OK, all is forgiven. Now, lets hear what is really bugging you. Besides the fact that the $hit box seems to be your most important influence lately. How sad...but hey.. its never too late to get it back.
ReplyDeleteShould be an interesting council meeting tonight. Anyone want to bet there will be a By-Election voted for in Ward 2?? The runner up doesn't appear to be connected to the Ol Boy/ CofC network and thus will have to try again against the likes of jimmie Dirt Bag's bastard offspring, Pissaro.
ReplyDeleteI doubt Mollicone will put himself through it again paving the way for another Ol Boy plant around the horseshoe all hidden behind the cloak of decency in another rigged election (the 10 million$ lawsuit was carefully timed to swing the last election there Fort Stupid and you went for it)
This " apparent decency " will again cost you the taxpayer of course. Ol Boys never pay when sucker taxpayers are nearby.
I notice that Larry the Grabber , who did not run for council this last time want's to grab Rick Shuler's seat on council, he is the favourite of the Chamber of Commerce crew, our taxes would spiral out of control .the strangle hold over our Town would now be complete.!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't understand what the problem is having a by-election. This is a democracy and IF council decides to go that route, and I for one think they should and they probably will, and allow the residents of Ward 2 their say.
ReplyDeleteAs for a "plant", if it goes to a by-election, everyone I believe will have the right tot run for that seat regardless of who they are and/or what they think... could be Passero, could Ann Marie, could be George Jardine, Richard Barry, or anyone for that matter, and it will again be the people of ward 2 who will have the final say.
Personally I favour the by-election but if they asked John M to fill the seat I wouldn't have a problem with that either.
The only issue I would have is if the appointed someone other than John M
Let the people in Ward 2 have their voices heard
Fort Erie is democracy in name only.
DeleteThe democratic process is skewed and screwed with ALL THE TIME here. One only has to look at the last election when the Ol Boys were asleep with their arrogance and THE FOUR managed to gain some control for the average tax paying Joe here. War was declared over night on them. They were blamed for all kinds of things that there was no way they could've done. But with careful manipulation of the press and blogs dedicated to taking them done amongst others..... VOILA FE now has a scapegoat for decades of Ol Boy mismanagement and in some cases criminal abuse.
If there is to be a by election and I bet there will. It will yet again be skewed towards an insider. Normal, average, not connected Joe's don't have a chance.
BTW 4FortErie, the norm the world over in these situations is to pass the torch to the runner up PERIOD. Not to go for best out of 3 ooops best out of 5 oooppps....etc etc till you get the "ideal" (in FE read ol Boy) winner.
Mollicone and Shular ran, NO ONE ELSE. It's Mollicone's by right and he should have already been appointed. The delay screams that the usual underhanded BS that is common here, is yet again at play.
With the majority of people on council who already have a personal agenda to persue and the fact that the one seat vacant is to be considered for by election or appointment, we doubt that any person taking Ricks place will have any real effect on outcomes. Put in who ever, its highly unlikely anyone can make much of a difference under just about any set of circumstances. UNLESS we get a digger like Mr. Lub who sucessfully played and replayed the road allowance question to slow the Bay Beach sellout. Now, that took guts. If someone like that got in we might see a few motions to slow or stop some illegal development on public land. Wouldnt that just be poetic justice. Justice without law suits.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE IT .... when I click on this site and see a multitude of new posts. Gives me a lot of entertainment courtesy of the bewildered.
ReplyDeleteSeems to me the Municipal act allows for a by-election so your whole point is moot right there. CF you are so dillusioned in your own inner angers that you fail to realize that the residents of Ward 2 WANT a by-election and under the law have the right to be afforded one. I have talked to many of them, and they deserve that and it is their right under the Act.
ReplyDeleteYour old boy conspiracy theory is moot once again unless you think they can influence the approx. 4000 people in Ward 2 who get to vote and decide for themselves.