Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Stephen Passero has filed to run in the by-election in Ward 2. 

Marina Butler is a moron. She proved it by her actions at the Monday, February 9 Regular Council Meeting.  While others were concerned about the possibility that the town would be on the hook for millions of dollars for a new school library and theatre, Marina was obsessed with revisiting the earlier-tabled policy regarding the 30 meter set-back for waterfront properties. Why? For no other reason than she was concerned about "delays" in development on the waterfront. With regard to the 30 meter set-back, in the past four years, there were only four such adjustments requested. Yet Marina wants to speed the process that is seldom used. The reason the recommendation was tabled in January is because the council decided to wait until the Waterfront Strategy was underway to revisit the issue.

So, Marina ("I think I made a mistake.") Butler pushed forward, not really knowing what she was doing. It was cringe-worthy but it was not the only cringe-worthy moment in the meeting. George McDermott sounds like he may be suffering from Alzheimer's Disease as he could not even follow what was going on and could not remember actions that took place at earlier meetings. Kimberly Zanko should bleach her hair blonde as she makes idiots like Jenny McCarthy look like a Rhodes Scholar. Chris Knutt tries but is in way over his head.

Sorry folks. This is not "sour grapes." This is a tragedy in progress. Even Mayor Redekop had to explain and reword questions regarding the resolution to Marina.

Meanwhile, it would seem that those who are in favour of a community-paid (one-way-or-the-other) theater and library at the new high school believe that these buildings are the be-all and the end-all to Fort Erie's woes, including the mental health of its children. Forget that, if the community does not raise the $3.7 million requested by the District School Board of Niagara, it will be paid for by Fort Erie taxpayers. 

"Cut your coat according to your cloth." said one delegate regarding the theater/library proposal. Having never heard that particular saying, I had to look it up and the man was absolutely right. He further endeared himself to me by pointing out that his dapper clothing came from second-hand stores so he could "take his wife out to dinner once in a while" which was a priority on his fixed income. Others expressed support of the theater and library but warned of the cost and the eventual rise in their property taxes which will have a Domino Effect on the local economy.

Wasn't impressed by a couple of  entrepreneurs taking the opportunity to advertise for their acting classes for children while speaking in favour of the theater. Did they not realize that they will have to pay to use the new theater? Like renting ice time at the Leisureplex, it may cost a lot of money?  Check out the long and tortured history of that "community benefit." All that bingo money and slots revenue are gone forever. Not so easy now to get funding from a hard-pressed community. The taxpayers of the town are already going to get hit with a major tax increase. Our newbie councillors haven't a clue about how to put together a budget. Be afraid; be very afraid.

Memo to Gary Skerrett and Shorewalk: Where the "f" were you when the access to the public beach at Bay Beach was being threatened by the Molinaro Monolith?  Yeah, we know. You went AWOL on the issue after you had a private meeting with Doug Martin. Now you want support for a boardwalk at the Holloway Bay Road access? Your organization has discredited itself irretrievably by its non-action in the Bay Beach Issue. Good luck with that.


  1. Holy Crap...you sure as blazes covered it all. Totally agree with every word. For folks who missed the Howdy Doody show be sure to watch the rerun. If one more dance Mom said how her kid likes to dance I would have puked. What an orchestrated outpouring by the Peacock School of Dance who will look at a rental three nights a year by their own admission.The only voice of reason was Bob Steckleyho actually produced facts and figures,,,,hmmmm an interesting concept that to date is seriously lacking. AMN had the wisdom to point out that $3.7 is only the tip of the iceburg. What about operational costs. Remember folks a theater NEVER covers operating costs and requires tax money and artsie patrons to continue operation....What will it cost every year to manage, equip, furnish and STAFF.If you must have one build it adjacent to the Leisureplex where at least we can own it, manage it , rent it , pay for it and not have the School Board tell us where what and when it can be used. We don't NEED a fourth library so drop it out of all conversation.

    1. When was a theater a priority in this town? If we have that kind of money to spend and we don't I would rather see an indoor sports complex, outdoor skating rinks and a pool for the whole town to enjoy. The town can't seem to find the extra funds to put benches at the little parks that we have now and they are actually considering a theater for the selected few.

    2. we can't afford thisFebruary 15, 2015 at 9:46 AM

      When did a theater become a priority in this town and why should the taxpayers be worried about major tax increases? How can the town council contemplate this when there isn't any extra funds for any small improvements whatsoever, including park benches for our parks? If there is extra money that the public isn't aware of I would like to see an indoor sports complex complete with an outdoor pool and a skating rink etc. built off site for the whole town to enjoy, not just for the selected few theater people.

    3. we can't afford thisFebruary 15, 2015 at 9:47 AM

      When did a theater become a priority in this town and why should the taxpayers be worried about major tax increases? How can the town council contemplate this when there isn't any extra funds for any small improvements whatsoever, including park benches for our parks? If there is extra money that the public isn't aware of I would like to see an indoor sports complex complete with an outdoor pool and a skating rink etc. built off site for the whole town to enjoy, not just for the selected few theater people.

  2. I was glad that Bob Steckley spoke last night. I didn't know that Fort Erie already has more libraries than larger cities. Why ever have a public library in a school anyway.

    John Hill was there to point out how well the last Council did to work to keep our taxes down.

    Anne-Marie could have showed up at some point in the previous terrn to speak about the EDTC to support the four or talked about the Bay Beach issues. Where was she? Now, she it there to show off to Mayor Redekop how good she could have handled the school issue as Mayor and just how much smarter she thinks she is!

  3. I listened to council & was quite entertained by Marina Butler regarding the untabling etc. She had a real hard time grasping the whole topic & even Brady had to try & explain it in simple terms more than once.. I doubt Marina has still got a real grasp on this. LOL

    1. You have to understand that it's Brady who is running the show. He is the conductor.

  4. I went to the council meeting two weeks ago to see what this new council was like. Butler was absolutely clueless - didn't know what a registered vote was. Mayor had to explain it to her, but when the clerk called her name she looked totally confused and shrugged her shoulders as if to say "what do I do". The mayor whispered to her to say yes as she had previously said she was in support of the motion, Butler sheepishly said yes. Zanko kept asking the wrong staff member to answer her questions. This happened too many times to count. McDermott just looked confused the whole time and barely said a word. As you said Knutt is trying but still has a long way to go. God help us!

  5. With the matter settled on a delay in the waterfront setback {for very valid reason} it baffles me why with only four applicants for variance in 4 years, why indeed was it of such vital importance to the Butt to get this changed. Obviously some monied lakefront owner wants to slide in before the lakefront review is completed and called in a marker. Even our Mayor thought it was a negative move so how could a rookie think she knew better. Who pulled that string?

    1. you can expect much more of the same from 'The Butt". She isn't there to do the town any favours unless of course she can benefit. Just the fact that she is in bed with Jimmie Dirt Bag speaks volumes about her motives to say nothing about how she has made all her $$$ off the hard sweat and minimum wage of others.

      Maybe John Hill should sue her so she knows how it feels. He has a ton more dirt to play with for sure than she had on him.

  6. We can only guess what the puppet master of Marina wanted. Regardless the need to untable & then create a new motion does not change anything. She complained about the charges for variances but those charges are whole different By Law. To me it was a waster of 30 minutes of councils time especially after a very long meeting. Thank Goodness Rdekop is in charge because Martin would have been a real freak show.

  7. I wonder if the current budget for the theatre includes extra soundproofing against the noise from the soon-to-be Speedway just down the road? I would hate to be putting on the school Shakespeare play while a Saturday night "special event" was happening at the same time on the oval track.

  8. What a difference for a delegate speaking!
    In the last 8 years, when martin didn't agree with you, he would cut you down the very second your time went over as well as shove his chair back, put his head down and not even pretend to care about your views and ideas.

    Mayor Redekop was courteous, respectful and friendly and LISTENED.

  9. Does it make any sense to put the theatre at Garrison and Sunset when the Speedway will be just up the road? I can't see the school Shakespeare play or a string quartet competing successfully with the sound of a Saturday night "Special Event" on the oval track.

  10. There is a difference between a person with class that respects other people opinions then there are those with little or no class some times referred to as buffoons, bullies & the ignorant. Redekop is obviously in the 1st category.

  11. Big Red seems to know how to hold a reasonably civilized meeting. Great. About time.Hes a lawyer. A career in the legal trade goes nowhere without the ability to "listen". A career in almost any trade goes nowhere without the ability to listen. That being said, results are what count. Its pretty early to start the Big Red love in. So far we have seen an expencive byelection put into place. As well a short and sweet "talk to us" meeting about the idea to spend almost $4 million tax dollars on an idea that seemed to fall out of the sky. Not even a special meeting, just an add on to regular business.(We all saw how that little dance went.) There are some very big issues coming up. Sure, Red looks extra polite compared to the last guy who warmed that chair.(Who wouldnt?). Polite is good, but we are holding back with the sugary praise for a while. Results in the best interest of the residents of this town are what really count, so far its starting to look pretty expencive, and were only into the first two and a half months of this new crews mandate. "Lets Work Together"? Whats really going to matter is who Red is working together with. His overpowering assembly of special interest councilors, or the regular people of this town. As its said, time will tell, polite or not.

  12. Anne Marie Noyes, while I like that she asked questions while on Council ,she does remind me more and more of Stella Ziff, who had lot's of information but was reluctant to go for the kill when on Council, Which meant golden opportunities were never brought to light.!!

  13. Much more interest now in Ward Two ByElection with pasty Pissaro looking for a job. Maybe AMN will be heard from tomorrow,,,sure hope so. Four years without Piss would have been a treat. The two Bimbos are enuff for weekly laughs.Speaking of giggles the delusional Greg just stated on facebook that EDTC has created more jobs then posts on that link....but shhhhhhhhh they must remain a secret!!!!

  14. I would be more concerned about the number of times Ms Butler is going to have to excuse herself from voting on council because she could have conflict based on her companies job to find employment Can/t wait for her to vote on something & NOT declare a conflict & open her up to a lawsuit. Maybe her closest friends will pay for this like they paid to sue the 4 councillors. Karma is great don't you think.

  15. Not to state the obvious but doesent it seem a little shortsighted to think that in an oversised building like the towns hall that the councils chamber has less seating for the public than a high school lecture room? The council chambers "filled to capacity" with how many people?, in a town of 30,000 or more? 75 (as the Times reports) fills the council "chambers"? Seating on folding chairs in the entranceway? Sour looking onlookers leaning against the walls like some oversuscribed cattle auction? Now who would ever suggest that the engineering and design types could ever get it wrong when it comes to understanding the needs of the public that pay for so much and get so little. People "showing up early" so they can "get a seat"? If the tax paid designers of such a misdesigned facility can get it so wrong in terms of citizen capacity how are they to be trusted with millions of dollars to "add onto" somthing so basic as a high school and see real return on the money spent. Every time you have to show up early just to get a seat should tell you just the caliber of the skills we are dealing with here. They may not have designed it but they sure arnt doing anything about it either and as far as we know this is the first time it has even been brought up. Show up early just to get a seat. Or dont show up at all. Maybe thats the point, as when people cant be there things go just that much smoother.

  16. Why do we need a theater right across the street from the Leisure Plex????

    Can something not be done with that already existing building to make it a little more friendly for the arts at a cost of a small fraction of the proposed DSBN debacle to keep a very small few happy for their occasional need at reasonable cost.(Most schools already have an auditorium and library, what snake oil salesman at the DSBN sold Fort Stupid this one?)

    Local School Boards today have ZERO sense of fiscal responsibility and even less planning for the future. Schools are being built willy nilly and the old ones left decaying or are used only occasionally.. The taxpayer is not a bottomless pit!! When the taxman is stealing almost 1/2 your paycheck, the time to say enough is here. (upper income tax rate of 40% now add GST, PST, property tax, gas tax ,booze tax cigarette tax,tax to recycle your tires....etc etc etc...)

    Bob S is right. Far too many public officials today use almost ZERO grey matter when "planning" (what planning?) these expensive and ill thought out projects. And for their "expertise" we pay them VERY well.

    1. Besides we need these millions so that after 10 plus years(and millions of $$$) the EDTC can create.................drum roll please...........

      IT'S FIRST JOB!!!.

  17. No surprise to see Steve Pass to run in ward two. Only that it took this long for the shoe to drop.Might have been waiting to see who else was going to try to get in.All this expencive nonsense could have been easily avoided and was in a number of cases in the past.So, if past voter turnout is any indication a very slim number of voters can determine the turnout in this exercise in Democracy. And, that number grows smaller if any other candidates come foreward. How thin can we expect that pie to be sliced? With that in mind, we guess this byelection will be a nonevent, except in the depth of a long winter a bit of a distraction to some. But mostly a bad example to the taxpayers of this town on yet another way to waste money.

  18. Sharon, you need a like button….

  19. Its unfortunate but this will come true. The money will be committed for the Theater by Council to please the special interest groups and the DSBN. They will decline the Library cost to appease the nay sayers. A separate Board will be put in charge of the Theater .They will appear at Council every year like the EDTC to ask for more and more money for staff and equipment. There will be constant arguments with DSBN over heating and lighting and water bills. Taxes will be another issue. Who pays to pave the parking lot. There will be no income when the school uses the facility but others will pay huge rental fees. New roof? N ew arguments. AND that theater will be grossly underused at a great price to taxpayers because the fundraisers just lost interest in their impossible task.A white elephant. Just buy FESS and use the wonderful existing facilities that already exist. Theater,gym,pool,library,greenhouses kitchens ,shops and all the space this Community Center could ever use.

  20. Pessaro didn't speak either way at the Open Forum about the school additions. That's what he does so well, garner as many votes as he can.
    He can't risk talking about that pool, don't want to dive into that one!

    1. Passero has ruined everything he has been part of: Shorewalk, Kinsmen Pool, Ward 1. He will only continue his pandering if he is elected in Ward 2.

      I don't think many can stomach his slimy ways. I certainly can't stand the sight of him.

  21. "Shorewalk" a cutsie name for some pie in the sky idea about trying to remove the aspirations of waterfront property owners need to try to keep the "riff raff" off of the waterfront view even if they are not even there most of the year. They got some signage at the end of some roads where there is a narrow trail down to the rocks along the lake. So far thats all we have seen although as a start it represents something. Wouldnt it be interesting if a past spokesperson for the shorewalk ideals fell in with the likes of the Butthead thats trying to introduce ammendments to the set back for development along the lakeshore. Now who is having their cake and eating it too. To think this gumby could have been mayor!! We guess he knows what side of the bread the butter is on. Or in Pass's case what side of the cupcake the icing is on.

  22. There needs to be a cohesive group to canvas for one of the other canditate's, to defeat stupid Stephen. The question is who??? It is unfortunate that this person can not vote on the Budget..

  23. I am concerned about the lack of action at the row of new builds on Schooley.
    What's the scoop? Is it a con as suspected?

    1. Rumour is that ten contractors have been "fired." Whatever the reason, there is nothing new being done to the houses being built on Schooley - nor any project associated with Gary Fraser. Maybe it's just the weather that has stalled any progress. And maybe, it is a con like we suspected.

    2. Check out this:


  24. So who fired the contractors? Thought Riverview homes Niagara was the Builder of the homes & Black Bear was the developer. The weather would stall any work but things have slowed down since December so maybe the subs weren't fired they may NOT have been paid & refused to do anymore until they were paid. So they were fired. The listings that were on Realtor.ca have still not been reposted by any realtor. Seems the con job is true lets hope the locals aren't out too much money. The trades people can't afford to lose money especially at this time of year when construction is slow. It would be a shame if all of Mr Frasers properties were left abandoned in their current state of disrepair or in the case of the new homes unfinished. Rumour has it that there does not appear to be anyone living at 613 Ridge rd north which Black Bear Homes head office is according to their web site.

  25. Latest news Rona Inc has liened the 7 schooley rd properties for non payment of supplies between Oct 30th & Dec.15th. Riverview homes ( Niagara ) is also on the claim for funds over $100,000. Guess we now know why nothing is being done.

  26. I heard that the lien is on all of his properties in Crystal Beach.
    Even The Pines, what havoc!

  27. A big rushed decision to be made at Council tonight. First discussion Councillors will have on spending 3.7 Million for an unnecessary Library and a Theater to keep the Dance Moms of Peacock School happy. After this only singular debate on the issue they must vote. Sad to say that special interests will probably win out over the stressed taxpayers. Buy the FESS and give it to them to run...it will be a lot cheaper then the DSBN addition. Tonights expenditure is closely followed by 2 million tomorrow night for JT and the 3 existing Libraries. Tune in on the TOFE Home page at 6pm both nights to listen to the sound of your money flowing out the door....and not to improve roads or beaches or parks or or or......

  28. If you go to these events for the people watching and entertainment value go for it. If youre there to "find out whats going on" good luck with that. So much of decision making is done in private settings be it phone calls between partys or quiet get togethers where agreements are made with a nudge and a wink. Get there early as a multi million dollar "town hall" was designed with so little seating (for a town of 30,000 plus) that folding lawn chairs should be rented to sit in the entranceway. Would create a few jobs too, although those jobs would probly go to friends and insiders if the past is any indication. Millions for that tired library system? Those clerks over on Central must be having a giggle over that one. And "Dialing for Dollars" JT with his horse show at the "grand old lady? must be splitting a gut laughing at the fools that keep feeding that white elephant. Not openly of course. Openly only crude, self centred, and so arrogant seems genuinely annoyed that they dont just mail him a cheque and he has to go before council and make his case. Or does he? Maybe between friends they have found a way to dispense with that annoying "hat in hand" display. If he has to play to the crowd this should be even better than the last time, as he's likely learned a few new tricks from his new best friends from across the river.

  29. I have heard that council is pushing ahead with funding $3 million dollars for a new theatre to be attached to the new school , from Mayor Wayne Redekop and the people who voted for this travesty, none of these people were ever associated with fund raising at the Bingo Halls or any other method of obtaining any meaningful amount of money, possibly selling girl scout cookies. I have ran Bingo's or assisted with bingos since 1984, also successfully obtaining grants. this is very hard work and stressful, times have changed most well paying jobs have left our town and everybody is having a lot of financial pressure just treading water .We all, now on the hook for the $3 million for the Hospital, $3 million the Theatre and $1+plus for JT. Our taxes are going to go through the roof.15% to 20% per cent tax hikes are looming on the horizon. The Titanic heading for an iceberg.??

    1. I hope to save the audio os this meeting for posterity.My question is: why can't the DSBN pay for their own theater and library? Sell off the old schools and fund the extras that way. The people expressed their concerns and, once again, council did not listen. Except Donnie Lubberts who mad a major Freudian slip when he called Redekop "Mayor Martin." LOL

    2. Martin or Redekop ? Tweedle Dee andTweedle Dum. that is basically what they are.!!!I have followed both of these ninnies for what seems like forever. They did a lot of nasty things while they both served on Regional Government.at the same time.

    3. Coucillor Lubberts clearly stated he was in favour of the theatre but not the way it was handled. and even stated he was going to donate 1 months salary He aid this at least 3 times
      The library is not even on the table

  30. This by-law making all Fort Erie taxpayers, Catholic and Public School supporters pay on their tax bills $3 million dollars towards a building to be built on DSBN property, is basically an illegal by-law and should be rescinded ASAP. making Separate School supporters pay " Theft by stealth" for a theatre built on Public School property is clearly illegal. Does anybody remember when many years ago a developer wanted to build a movie theatre back of No-Frills with his own money, and Town Council would not allow that to be built, the hypocrisy of this Town Council self evident.. What does this theatre deal have to do with Point Abino Lighthouse ? Councillor Knutt of Stevensville Ward #6 brought up that subject when supporting this $3 million dollar project.,

    1. Porgey are you for real? How can you say that a by law is illegal? Do you not think if that was the case the town would have been brought before the courts?? really use your mind
      On another note you asked what does the theatre have to do with the lighthouse? A simple call to town hall gives the answer which you should have done.....but Ill tell you anyway Funds for the lighthouse house came from surplus funds.....which can only be viewed an number of times throughout the year....personally never been there but it is an historical part of the town and should be preserved even though I can not go every day to see it...but whatever....the point is if the last councillors voted to use surplus funds we did not see any tax increases..and Luberts Hill Stecks and collard all voted for that... so now we can use surplus funds and actually have some folks use it....so Porgey whats the issue here?

  31. UnFnBelievable..Well done Council. You just proved your total incompetence.A gift of half a million to the School board with much more to follow. Can't wait for 2017 to hear the excuses why this poverty stricken Town did not donate to a school they do not own, run or even have unlimited access to. Wait till the rental prices are struck and the artsy fartsies will be right back to the Italian Hall and the Sanctuary.We do not have money for a pool, beaches ,park inprovementr, roads infrastructure and oh yes our water bills will need to go up so says the experts. Welland has four pools, indoor tennis courts,movie theaters ,curling rink, bowling alliesand a waterway with unlimited recreation vehicals available like canoes,dragon boats,kyacks,and competitions EVERY weekend and now fort Erie can say the DSBN has a Theater thanks to the stupid peope YOU voted in. Saying taxes wont go up is a shell game ....every account will be drained for years to come and in those accounts are amenities and improvements that this Town will not see for years because WE PAID ALL OUR TAX MONEY TO DSBN.

  32. Give your freakin head a shake!February 18, 2015 at 7:48 PM

    Knutt is a nut! The previous council used some reserve funds for the lighthouse, which was a heritage asset that the town OWNS, unlike a theatre in a school that the town doesn't own. The previous council also replaced those reserve funds, so is this council going to replace the $500,000.00 they have misused from the reserve funds the previous council worked so hard to build up??? Reserve funds are to help address the infrastructure gap, how is a theatre related to the infrastructure gap?

    1. tired of misuse of our taxes, what is nextFebruary 19, 2015 at 5:33 PM

      If the town has all of this surplus money to throw down the drain why can't our taxes be lowered? They state that it is surplus but it is still our money through our taxes. How is the town going to rebuild the reserve funds that they gave away, raising taxes and ignoring very important issues that should be dealt with is the way that they will handle it. This new council seems to be only interested in the selected few and not thinking what is best for the town as a whole. A theater owned by the school board should not have been addressed in the council meetings not to mention our tax dollars helping to fund it. What is going to happen next with this special interest group council-not prioritizing the improvements that need to be accomplished to make Fort Erie a decent place to live, not improving our beaches, roads parks etc. Our taxes keep going up and our standard of living keeps going down. Maybe it is time to sell before the value of our homes goes down the tubes.

  33. Mr knutt listens to the Ninjas & does not have a personally own thought. He has been brain washed by the dark side & maybe they supported him?? We wondered where he stood & now we know. Too bad that his thiking will be over ruled.

  34. mcKnutt and mcDermot where handing out flyers minutes after that candidates meeting last fall when the news was first released that the town was being sued for 10 million $$$. Unless they had a print shop in the back of their cars, they were let in on the SCAM by their handlers, the ol boys. If you didn't know where they were coming from before that

    . Of course the duped dumbed down average voted jumped all over that and the FOUR where no more. If you want to blame anyone for this law suit , blame Dirty Doug and his insider Pals for inviting the virus from Burlington to our town. You've were played FE by the insider few all for their $$$ and should be pissed at them but instead voted out the very people working for you.

    You voted for them Fort Stupid, now with the return of the ol boys, we will all pay.

  35. It is too bad the law suit against the 4 is not going back to court until after the byelection. So little stevie will dodge that bullet. But maybe Marina's time will come & she might have to explain herself.

  36. A complaint has been lodged with the Ombudsman of Ontario, about the legality of forcing separate school supporters to pay via their property taxes for a public school system, DSBN . I believe that the by-law passed by this council to be a serious violation of the Act concerning schools. Separate and Public Schools. what they just did is of a very dubious legality.

  37. Dubious legality is what this and other councils do best. It will be interesting to see how they side step this very real concern. And they will. With a nod to the seperate school in Port, their theatre is well used and much appreciated, BUT, we doubt very much IT was paid for through the PUBLIC school system. Any comments in this regard would be most appreciated. Not trying to split hairs here but from a legal point of view this should not be difficult to rule on, If by chance it turns out to be an overlooked detail, there would be very few people complaining that the "theatre to be" couldnt be financed because of a council that didnt look at all the details (especially in the rushed nature of the request) it wouldnt be the first time a project was rushed through then fell apart. Besides, it would help council to save face as they would have a "special interest group" to blame who wouldnt roll over and pony up the dough like the rest of the overtaxed plebs.

  38. Numerous people were wondering the same thing. And you are right,they are forcing everyone to pay into a public school system. Hopefully it can be retracted through the legal system.

  39. Don't hold your breath waiting for the legal system in Ontario to act. In two months it will be two years since the Absolute Title issue dealing with Bay Beach was in court.

    I heard it will be two years before the nonsense Molinaro lawsuit against the town and councillors will even start.

    The Conflict of Interest hearing is scheduled for this April, we'll see if there are more delays there. That one was filed over two years ago as well.

  40. Even in the remote chance that a ruling determines separate school taxes cannot be used for a public school project, the burden of the town sharing the difference of the money not raised by "fundraising" with the school board will continue. It may just be a little more or maybe not. Even that figure doesent exist yet. Besides, with typical delays and/or cost overruns the sitting mayor and council may be long gone by the time all this comes to the time of final billing. How convenient. Can already hear the next motto for the election in 2018, "Lets Cut The Waste Of Mismanaged Projects". Get the Mollys lawyers to sue the schoolboard for such goings ons. Maybe the schoolboard has good insurance! Lets milk that bloated cow. But not untill election time. That way the outcome of the election can be changed to go one way or another depending. Not that thats ever happened here. Lets get some mileage from this group who instead of looking out for the best interests of the town have again decided to waste scarce resources, and that without even knowing what the final bill will be.

  41. I think a simple and reasonable piece of the cost puzzle would be for the construction bidding documents to contain an ADD or DEDUCT cost from the Base Bid. This could be done for both spaces and other features as well(eg. Pool or sports lighting). This is a double edge sword for bidders, and identifies the true costs, even broken down by trade and systems. A bidder would not want to loose the project by inflating add alternates, or give back too much in deduct alternates if it doesn't fit the budget or be approved upon review of bids.Arch/Engineers try to over cost estimate up front so they can look good if the budget needs to be reduced or the bids come in under budget. At the very least, they could build the shell and basic productive multi purpose room and trick out the theatre portion according to funding realities and the march of time. Who knows, with alternate bids, the entire project could come in under the $20 mil "estimate". Also, don't forget estimates are based on geography and such things as urban density, raising or lowering costs that are usually based on square footage costs. Our costs could be lower due to favorable site conditions, decent location for deliveries and utilities already available close by. Don't think their estimates are extremely accurate because their fees are also based on estimates( higher is better for all). It doesn't cost much and will deliver true costs and reduce stress. I see it all the time.

  42. Sounds like tin horn soldier smells the money. We see it all the time. Get in line fool.

  43. Any data and costs given out by a school board should be taken with a grain of salt and suspicion, they closed a primary school , saying that, would save $10 thousand dollars a year in 1977 dollars, in the end the school board spent over half a million dollars finding a place for the displaced children.They sold the former school property for $60 thousand dollars even though the got the property for free from the local developer.so I have no time for the DSBN.

  44. Looking at the Fort erie Post's report on the "new" theatre approval it looks like the white elephant horse track is going to have a baby!!! A new little white elephant is expected over at the new high school in the next few years!! Congrats to Dr. Red and his staff for making this blessed event possible.


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