Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Any questions? Martin no only admits under oath that he revealed confidential information to members of the public, he also admitted that there was no complaint filed by Heather Salter and no investigation took place.

Can you now see exactly who is responsible for this costly lawsuit? Can you now see why it was dismissed?

This was a witch hunt, plain and simple. Hatched by Doug Martin and Jim Thibert. There was no cause to bring this lawsuit, just a personal grudge and revenge.  

I hope they pay dearly for their part in all this.


  1. This was a blatant "Breach of Trust " as defined by the Municipal Act , the consequences are to be banned from public service or seeking public office for life, if this was a lawyer , that person could be disbarred as that happened to Conrad Black and Garth Drabinsky last year, Mayor Martin and other members of Council, Stephen Passero and Rick Shuler who also were party to this vendetta, against four honest councillors are also in "Breach of Trust. The Municipal Act is very clear on this, a certain writer to the Fort Erie Pravda at that time wrote , that it was unheard of , a Mayor divulging classified information to people outside of council and seeking a punitive action via an outsider. The Ninja Greg Bonito, wrote a letter in the Pravda berating that truth, .and said the public has a right to know what the settlement was all about. It is clear that Bonito is nothing but a hatchet man for Doug Martin.

  2. I heard someone mention "Breach of trust"

    5. The accused acted with the intention to use his or her public office for a purpose other than the public good, for example, for a dishonest, partial, corrupt, or oppressive purpose.
    Jump up
    Criminal breach of trust

    336. Every one who, being a trustee of anything for the use or benefit, whether in whole or in part, of another person, or for a public or charitable purpose, converts, with intent to defraud and in contravention of his trust, that thing or any part of it to a use that is not authorized by the trust is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.

    Doubt that it would ever come to this, I would be satisfied with Doug paying a HUGE fine and also going to the news paper and stating the truth and his real intentions as to why he put the community threw 4 plus years of hell and tore it apart! Jimmy too!!!

    1. you're too nice 23 prime.........

      Dirty Doug has admitted guilt to an indictable offense...........indictable means serious ie not a misdemeanor...........jail the bastard then go for his accomplices. White collar crime in this country goes virtually unpunished. That`s how this town ended up where it is today. Ah he`s a good guy cause he played hockey or drank beer with me years ago, so let it slide 1 more time attitude.

      Had it happened on the other side of the river, I can guarantee this would be treated for what it is, a serious crime. Jail him. He has decades of this type of behaviour in his sleazy past. Geez he made a career out of it.

    2. No matter what, they certainly need to account for what they did.

  3. The truth will never , ever cross Martin's lips or JT for that matter.
    Benito the sometimes couch lawyer was adamant last week there was a TORT, so much for his inside info, boy was he mislead either that or he has selective reading skills. More info needs to be put out there to display the truth for the NINja's. Maybe they will have an open mind to read & digest & make an adult opinion on the truth or maybe they like being mushrooms, kept in the dark & s...t all over!!

  4. I think if those court documents that you just posted were placed in a full page ad [I know it would have been expensive] in one of the local papers before the election the outcome would have been very different!

  5. I have kept all the pertinent information about the so-called Project 4-2-0 (that's the name they gave to their efforts.) When I was looking for Martin's sworn testimony, I came across a few of the "highlights" of the campaign against the four. Remember the billboard showing four pairs of pants on fire?

    The "lies" referred to pale in comparison to the actions of the new council. The billboard did admit that $390,000. was used to restore the lighthouse, a far cry from the over million dollars now claimed by some as the cost. It did cost $390,000. from the reserve fund that was paid back. A national historic site was preserved and the town won a prestigious prize in part because of the restoration. Other options cited were the operational review and the second legal opinion on the Bay Beach issue which may be what saves the town from the lawsuit by the Molinaros.

    Meanwhile, council has taken close to a million dollars from reserves towards the eventual construction of a theatre in a DSBN-owned high school. A gift with limited access as it will be run by the DSBN. $500,000 to the racetrack; $15,000. for 15 minutes of fireworks all because no one bothered to fundraise after last year's event.

    Whose pants are on fire now?

  6. Why are the nasties so hateful? In my opinion they should exert some of that negative energy into a positive approach towards their own community's welfare.

    1. It wasn't done out of hate, there must of been some monetary personal gain one way or another.

  7. I'd like to think that the ninjabots are just deluded, gullible or have limited critical thinking skills. But then I peruse the various posts caught on Screenshots over the past four or five years. On one hand, they may indicate very immature minds; on the other hand, they may indicate a long-time hatred for anyone who upsets their own small world view. Such behaviour is like the attitude that has caused systematic prejudice and genocide when practiced on a much larger scale.

    I am grateful that the judge made the correct ruling, using precedent and good law in his decision. I am still angry though, about the way these four men were treated in this community. It's one thing to work to get different people elected, as was done in 2010, when one doesn't agree with the current council, but it's another thing altogether to wage a smear campaign: compliance audits; nasty billboards; slanderous fliers; insulting remarks in council meetings; and vexatious lawsuits against those who were elected.

    BTW, was just down at the Ashwood entrance to the public beach. High school students are painting a colourful mural along the entrance wall to the beach. This was sponsored by The Friends of Crystal Beach. Also, the gazebo at Queen's Circle is being painted and it looks great. Another win-win for the people, accelerated by a donation from the FOCB.

  8. Great idea about the mural, this town could sure use a little more public art. Can hardly think of any other examples, although someone did paint a few flowers on their garbage bin along Erie road a few years ago. More art, less conflict, political or otherwise.

    1. The young artists are having a great time creating their own mural. We need to include our next generation in more events and activities.

  9. Ninja's the for were not CHARGED with a Crime, so there was nothing to acquit them for!! Doug Martin and crew did this only to sway voters! How's your Tax bill?

  10. The Ninja site in its limited capacity for insightful reporting see the events leading up to and the final verdict in the courts a some sort of a game. And so did the judge. "We were robbed" is the sort of statement thats used when some ref makes a bad call and a game is lost because of it. If the jerk offs behind the reporting on the Ninjob site think this is some sort of a game it would help explain their lame approach some of the jack ass moves they seem to support from our present council. Sorta quiet on the large increases in the last tax bills sent out. In that case silence speaks volumes. Frightened of their in house leaders wrath, they remain silent on this latest chapter on the rip off of the tax base we are now witnessing. Pussys. Go watch TV.

  11. Looking at the Ninjobs latest ravings, what is "tall hall"? Little too much caffine before watching Wheel of Fortune? Showing a shot of a murdered elephant and donkey really doesent help their cause. Are they really that blind? Maybe the author DID see his latest tax increase, but to show images of animal abuse isnt going to change anything, at least not for the better. Sure, youre frustrated, but leave the animals out of it. Just grit your teeth and pay up like the rest of us have to. At least for now. Theres a lot more money needed if the wastage is going to continue as it has.

  12. I recently read that the Canadian Motor Speedway, via the Town of Fort Erie was turned down for consideration by the Small Communities Fund in its request for millions to upgrade the infrastructure for the speedway. Oops.

    Now, who is gonna pay for that?

  13. The money was also to fund sewer & water upgrades for the industrial park, would this be the same property that is now for sale That JT wants the Town to buy?
    The question is why has the Province NOT recommended this project for Federal Funds? Not a priority, well gee no surprise there as all of their money seems to be going to the GTA, Transit, Metro Link etc & lets not forget the cash for the Pan Am Games which is quickly turning into a major tax payer loss.

  14. BTW chief NInja is still harping on the same old saw of the 4 were guilty still can't absorb the real truth!

    1. The Tort, The Tort! They are certainly going to look even more foolish when the costs are doled out. Whitfield is going to be on the hook for a lot of money. Wonder if his backers will still have his back?

  15. The non existent TORT. Seems they don't know the difference between an agreed settlement for employment dismissal & a legal TORT. They don't care about costs as their own necks are not on the line as they had no funds to contribute in the first place. So now they are hoping for a better conclusion for the next 2 court issues again they have no skin in the game just lots to say. Can't wait for JT to resume his claim against Lubberts, or has he thought better of it? Only time will tell after the July decision on costs have been established. But the damage has been done & the only hope is that this group of misguided folk have to pay big time.

  16. Millions from the provincial government to a small border town with a record of being rude, self centred and disorganized? Probly not. Dont forget Tim was from here. Do you think that helped with a Liberal government in Toronto only holding on by a few seats. The money the Liberals wasted canceling unpopular gas plants, then hid to get a few swing ridings would have paid for the whole speedway several times over. But theres the rub. If the tiny block of voters in this area had a similar effect, that motor monstrosity would have been built long ago. For now, the wish list stays stagnant. Besides, a fine picture of a motor speedway was right on the front cover of the Visitors Guide for Fort Erie. If they have to lie and deceive to get people to come here we have bigger fish to fry than to go to the provincial government for a hand out. That alone must have scared off a few potential investors. Going to be that dishonest in print? Whats going to go on if any money actually changes hands with this backwater village of shysters. " Off Shore money" was supposed to be involved. The silence is deafening from over in that direction. And the Provincials are going to hand over a bale of cash? Think again. The Small Communitys Fund is just that. Small. Too small for that sort of grey zone gamble.

  17. The cartrack promoters were looking for money in the range of $80 (EIGHT-ZERO) millions to be gratefully received by the track development group, last time we heard any numbers being tossed around. Eighty million. To a maybe cartrack in a small bordertown with a history of vindictive mismanagement. What could go wrong?? Make it a hundred million, whats the difference, do they think in Queens Park, that we, up here, think that they are that stupid? It would seem so. Well, we do, and, they arnt. Now what? Maybe forming a company and selling shares? CMS shares? There are a lot of fish in the sea, but its a rare thing when they actually jump into the boat to be skinned. Very rare. Maybe at a horserace track for a few bucks, but nothing of the "scale" of the CMS daydream. For now a hotdog and a dirty ball cap will have to do on a Sunday night at Gasport. Crash for cash anyone? (and that isnt a William Matar TV commercial, at least not yet). The town is having quite a time reopening a small pool in a public park. Eighty mill for a car track? Not to set the bar too low, but, if the pool is a long thought out project does a multimillion dollar speedway seem like a project the provincial government would like to back? Would you?

    1. As the saying goes, "You've hit the nail on the head "!!

    2. Someone far wiser than myself once said of FE.......the ol boy network that runs the show here couldn`t organize a 1 car funeral. (but they sure are great at getting paid!)

      Queen`s Park and the Feds know exactly what Fort Stupid and their so called ruling elite is all about. Too bad the local voters are so easily duped but then the ol boys have the local press on their side. Thank`s so called local are directly complicit in this town`s demise by refusing to even scratch the surface of the issues (read graft and greed) that keep this town in the shitter. What some people won`t do for a pat on the back and a chance to rub elbows with the filth that runs this place.

  18. I agree about the local papers, don't editorialize just print the truth! ALL of it and don't ignore the facts that you don't wish to acknowledge.
    Simple, don't embellish either way!

  19. The Times said it themselves years ago, they are a "good news" newspaper. More of the same from the Post. Front page; charity drive for old beer bottles, chili cookoffs, meals on wheels, skateboard kid catching "some air" etc...etc...etc... It was a bold announcement some times ago, the paper will publish names of people caught drinking and driving. (gasp). In light of all that fluff (as its called in the business) reporting on the real events with interviews from both sides just are not going to take place in terms of our town hall goingsons. Prepare for more citizens picking up litter or someone out for a walk on "the trail" (as there only seems to be one) with a dog wearing a sweater or something. Pulitzer material this aint. But they said it themselves this is a good news newspaper. Hmmm...did they ever figure whose dog that was barking so late at night in the "Bricks and Bouquets feature? Those scallywags! Now thats real news! Really leaves a void though for the people that actually want to hear what is really going on. Guess social media like this blog will continue to serve its purpose.

    1. It's all about the advertising dollars spent by the town in The Times. Lots of full page ads keep the presses going. The Times will never bite the hand that feeds it with any in depth reporting. That's why they hire fledgling reporters who can subsist on minimum wage and call them "editors." A real pro could not afford to take the job.

      I once had a print newspaper. I was very proud of it but we could not sustain it as it is just too expensive to print newspapers today. One needs a lot of advertisers. The Blog costs me nothing and I can reach a lot of people. My website is not costly but it takes a lot of time to update. I prefer the Blog as it is easy to update and I can get the news out a lot faster than other media sources.

  20. True that there is a lot of Towns business advertised on the back pages (mostly). All sorts of upcoming meeting notices,severences, snowplow "keep your rig off the street between hours....". Had to wonder in the last issue with so many crystal clear shots in almost every photo front to back why was the picture of A. Horvath so dark and overexposed? Could there be a less than hidden bias against the NDP leader that in its way just somehow stays just a little below the public eye? Are the publishers of the Times trying to tell us something? With digital photography it has to make some of us wonder how such a thing is even possible these days. Old Mayor Wayne is of that party. He gets clear shots (allbeit with a rather scary looking smile) so what gives?

  21. Figured since the Friendship Festival is going to be totally rained out {a blessing in disguise| I had better go have a look see. ,,,the weather alone will make them regret messing with the usual Holiday dates. Took maybe five minutes to determine that this year is crap. Flo had better find another job if this is the best to offer. A good thing it will not be on Canada Day in case anyone from out of town arrives ,,,such an em bare ass ment!!

  22. does Flo get paid or is it a volunteer job?

    1. Paid..yes.
      Volunteer .. Nope.

  23. So Fort Erie has ONE "festival" per year, it gets rained out, people shrug their shoulders and say "oh well, you cant control the weather. Well, you can control the number of events all summer and ONE isnt going to cut it. As usual, look what it takes to get this one thing done. A years planning? For that? We thought it used to run in tandem with the fourth celebration across the river. Lots of fireworks to enjoy coming from 2 directions. Remember when they moved the FF to the desert like "parking lot" at the horse track? People say the event never recovered in terms of attendence. Now this? If they want to ruin it just cancel the silly thing and stop wasting the volunteers time for this ONE lame event, now more lame than ever.

    1. I believe that the move to the race track parking lot was a killer for the Friendship Festival. The move also destroyed the Loch Sloy Games, IMHO. Two great festivals ruined because someone wanted to move these events to Jim Thibert's favourite parking lot. There are, of course, other reasons for the demise of the Loch Sloy Games and the current sorry state of the Friendship Festival. Too bad. They were once great events. Please pull the plug on the Friendship Festival and end the embarrassment.

  24. The web site looks great for the Festival & there seems to be a lot of sponsors so how much money do they have to spend? Maybe a revamp needs to be considered
    as it must be hard for the volunteers to put so much time in & not get great attendance. Very disheartening.

  25. It can be saved by going back to the successful roots. Respect the original dates of July 1 to 4. Dumb move to this weekend and thankfully its been saved by rain.
    Ditch the old staff and save money there. Diversify with three committees. We are a Town of aircraft industry Bring back the airshow. A second committee plans Canada Day and fireworks. The third committee re-establishes the wonderful arts, crafts, cars and children entertainment. Ditch the carnival that was never a part of FF till Flo came along,,,they are responsible for many woes and loss of fun foods and exhibits. One big concert nite and other nites talent competition. battle of the bans and local talents.Take the expensive noisy carnival rides over to the racetrack .

    1. All good ideas, Howie but the clique that has been running the festival (and its previously lucrative bingos - ask Flo Odding about that) does not welcome new ideas. I remember when it took the threat of pulling town support of the Friendship Festival to get it moved back to the Niagara River location.

      Sad that it is getting rained out today. AS far as Americans coming over: who would spend $100. on a passport (if one didn't already have one) to come to a carnival with expensive rides when there are great events and family attractions at the waterfront or canalside in Buffalo?

      Kinda funny that the FF is also completing with Gay Pride festivities all over. Woot!

    2. Howie gets it!

  26. The web site looked great. It looks great for the CMS, Zoos, (excuse;"safari Niagara"), horsetrack, and countless other venues and attractions. It almost looks like they put everything they got into that electronic eye candy, then blow it when it comes to deliver. As people say weve seen enough shiney old cars owned by bearded old dudes in loud T shirts, and booth after booth pushing everything from wrinkle cream to dog walking. A revamp would be most welcome and it better come soon if this this thing is going to survive. The status quo isnt going to cut it. Maybe add a taste of Fort Erie event to try to upgrade some of that bad food? Or have a look across the river and see what they do and take notes. So they moved the boredom to Mathers arch. They are going to need more than that. As a sponsor we would expect a lot better, and would give accordingly.

  27. I travel a lot to our neighbour's across the Peace Bridge , I have lived in Pittsburgh and close to Baltimore/Washington for over ten years back in the late '50s and most of the 1960s when it comes to food , nobody can beat the diversity of food that can be had in good 'ole Buffalo. The demise of the Friendship Festival was bound to happen, the original form of festival was abandoned a long time ago, I know a lot about the original concept. after Doug Martin and James Thibert stuck their paws into it , the unpaid volunteers fled the scene. many of them were from Douglastown/Black Creek where it first started. The Celtic Festival last year was held in Fort George by Doug Martin's son , who is the manager of that Fort.

  28. Lets have everyone be aware of their "Invitation to a Community Workshop for the Bay Beach Master Plan" , July 6 and 7 ; 6PM at the Crystal Ridge Community Centre. We all knew it was coming didnt we? At least for the last month or two. Contact 905 871 1600 x 2506 for info. Presentations, directions, and discussions are on the menu. Prepare to be talked down to. Please, no martyrs supporting the status quo similar to what we saw when the condo idea was floated. The Jarvis street clapping seals need not attend.This is a CB village issue.

    1. I hope all of CB shows up and with an attitude as well. Make it very loud for this window dressing show that is only to give the appearance of listening to what the locals want. That is the locals only and not the east end idiots(Bonito and fellow clapping seals) who can`t figure out that giving the beach away affects the whole town (yes idiots)negatively not just CB that you love to trash, Pull your heads out of King Jimmys aka CofC aka FE kinsmen ass for a minute and think for yourselves for once(thats you Georgy).

      The ol boys have made enough money off the town and taxpayer.Take a look at your tax bill and they have 3 more years plus to go.

      Invite CHCH TV channel 11 to keep it honest as you know the local press sold out a long time ago for a beer and a pat on the back.

    2. Others have said the same thing, I hope they are wrong.

  29. I have attended countless meetings regarding the Bay Beach issue. At NO time did I ever hear anyone say that they wanted "status quo".
    There were not just two choices- as is or a 12 storey condo.

    The lands are not at all appealing, no way should such a gem of a waterfront property be left so derelict. I would even go so far to suggest that it was left in such a ruined state as a ploy so that anything would appear better looking.

    1. Your not the only one who has thought that!

  30. At no time will you hear anyone say they want (the) "status quo". The land in question is "appealing" enough but there is room for great improvements. Derelict? Not really, just lacking in green space and the usual things a waterfront park would have. That wouldnt include industrial style chain link fencing (where in the world did that come from) and a parking lot so close to the sand in many places that would be illegal for safety reasons. An effort to establish a waterfront park would eliminate most of that bad planning. OK, as in the past, some landscape company is probly going to clean up if certain members at town hall make a few phone calls. Lets hope the plans that are set out rise above that. Parkland doesent have to be that formal. Try to remember, a lot of this is for the generation that is still pretty young for public planning. Try to leave them something ( from what is left) to remember what the pubic waterfront once was. Not too hard if people dont get too greedy. We have seen enough of that from all sides, the buyers, the sellers, and the people that would hope to profit from that form of the violation of the public trust.


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