Thursday, June 18 is the court date for the well-funded attack against four councillors by election loser Tim Whitfield. While no one can predict the outcome of this event, if the right decision is made, then these four men can get on with their lives. So far, they have spent thousands of dollars to defend themselves against this vexatious lawsuit. It is all there, in the affidavits provided by Doug Martin, the late Rick Shular, and Stephen Passero that the lawsuit was thought up by certain individuals who had a personal grudge against the four. Tim Whitfield is just the patsy who agreed to bring the lawsuit. After this is all over, I will once again publish this information.
In the meantime, best of luck to four good and honest men who have been mocked, vilified and slandered since the day they were elected in 2010. Most of us know why; soon the general public will know.
Look what passed at Monday night's council meeting:
That: $936,428 of the 2014 General Levy Operating Budget surplus be transferred to the GFESS Theatre Reserve Fund in 2015,
This is tax money that will be used to fund the new theatre. Meanwhile the DSBN is rolling in money and tearing down historic schools. Does not pass the smell test IMHO.
Is this what you want?
Tune in or attend tonight's council meeting to see where this council stands on using your hard-earned tax money.
N.O.T.L. just acquired their old school from the DSBN for $1 million plus dollars and now own it, where is the "Quid Pro Quo" for our Fort Erie taxpayers? Our council full of so called enlightened business people, what did they get in return from the DSBN ? Zilch, Nada, nothing, they are real wheeler dealers , I don't think.! over $3 million dollars of our tax money handed over without a whimper.
ReplyDeleteThe old hometown of Rob Nick does it again. Pays to be a lesser god in the Harper cabinet. Not to mention NOTL's well tuned approach to heritage designation and related property preservation. While the council here was paying for a phoney bit of ironwork over the main street in Ridgeway, and calling it historic, someone on the other side of the desk was sketching out plans to tear down a REAL historic structure (ie: Ridgeway Public). No approach was ever made for the building itself to be sold to interested preservationists. As this sort of thing continues any comparison of Ridgeway to NOTL becomes a distant memory. Historic Ridgeway? If you build phoney historic structures while tearing down real ones, "they will come"?? Not likely. We just look like a bunch of bumpkin horse nuts up river from where the real smart folks live.
ReplyDeletethe now classic line from the movie Forest Gump.........."stupid is as stupid does"........was that movie filmed here?? We had 4 chances at turning this bucket of shite around last council and they where attacked from day 1 for doing so.........and only here would our present council of the morally challenged be called visionary. Apologies to the mayor and honourable member of ward 5 of course.
DeleteDSBN are Bandits and Council fools. The theater at fess is taken away, the theater Ridgeway Secondary is removed and Now the taxpayers of FE get to replace both them. We have had no report on fundraising the 2 million so as suspected despite all assurances you still cant get blood out of a rock. This request confirms that taxpayers are on the hook big time,,,AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteThe fundraising so far was a childish magic show with a paid admission. How much did that raise? ask the fund raising chairperson. Yes, the towns taxpayers will be on the hook for a large amount of the funds requested by the school board. Add on a theatre to the plans for a new high school. Add millions to the taxes of the people most inclined to never use such a facility. How is that fair? There are so many important uses for those funds. The town fell for it, the school board too short of cash? Not when it comes to thier fat wages and bloated pension plans.
ReplyDeleteWow 4 comments here and nobody has blamed JT for this yet ! Your slipping !
ReplyDeletetake a look at your tax bill while you have your head removed from his and your crowd are responsible and are anything but "4FortErie"............unless of course it's convenient to look civic minded while stealing the taxpayer blind and destroying our future for twisted ego and $$$$.
DeleteDonnie Lubberts tried hard to get the message across to the people of Fort Erie that this potential $1.5 million theatre will most likely be paid for out of taxpayer-funded Reserve Funds. That will be double dipping. People already pay school tax; now their property taxes will fund the theatre.
ReplyDeleteWait until Fort Erie catches up with the rest of the world and finds out that its new high school is already obsolete, given modern approaches to education. Like the one room school house, brick and mortar schools will become a thing of the past. With everyone able to access information on line and the younger generations computer savvy from the cradle, educators will have to embrace the new way of learning. Physical places will still be needed for certain activities (labs, shops, etc) but the day-to-day classroom learning is a thing of the past.
Such huge schools were built fifty years ago; now they are being abandoned. Give a teacher a studio with video cameras and a white board and he or she can teach thousands of students via the internet.
Meanwhile, taxpayers are on the hook for a theatre that will never be able to sustain itself without infusions of money from you-know-who. Sorta like the race track.
And the fireworks.
There is a trend happening, more and more families are homeschooling their children , several in Black Creek, area, the reasons are many , 29% up, according to the paper, Bullying, sex education, religious reasons , also medical problems of a child , the statistics say that homeschooled children, because of a one on one teaching score higher than public schooling. Teacher's that go on strike nearly every year could find that there will be fewer places for them to find work. They are not held in high esteem as they once were, same as police they are held with contempt in many places, the G20 summit in Toronto and their behaviour was disgusting, people don't like having their traditional rights taken away, Stephen Harper could get the boot this year, at election time.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a big fan of home schooling young children. I do believe that they need to be around other children to learn social skills as well as working together in cooperation. But I also believe that by high school, today's youth need less interaction and less distractions. I see a lot of teenagers coming home from school every day: girls dressed like tramps; foul-mouthed boys acting out; and a few single, quiet students headed for home.
DeleteFor those who choose to send their teens to school, there could be a "classroom" where students could observe the "live" teaching lesson, the same lesson that is available on line. Tests could be sent by e-mail and security measures could be implemented to prevent cheating.
All I can say is that if this option were available in "my day" I would have gladly taken it. I went to a private, all-girls school and hated the one hour on two city buses plus half a mile walk to and from every day. Bored out of my mind and could not wait to graduate. Only good thing is that we had a good basketball team. But the uniforms were really ugly.
I'm think that this new school, just like every other public building will be swamped with cost over runs and that Million bucks will be going towards that instead of a new Theater. In other words " DON'T HOLD YOUR BREAT " for a new Theater! Same as that new Proposed Hospital! The only thing know you can count on is your Taxes going threw the roof!
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I'm disgusted that the DSBN is tearing down a perfectly solid building (Ridgeway Public School) in order to build a new school on the same property. There is ample space at Bertie Senior to build a new school, but certain members of the DSBN are miffed that their plan to get the Kinsmen-donated-for-recreational-use-only property on Rebstock was quashed by the people and the designation of the land. It has been said that is why certain people on the school board worked to get the bell tower razed as well as the whole school. Pure spite.
DeleteSo, the complacent people staged a good-bye party. They should have staged a rally with picket signs and pressure on all levels of government to save the school. But, this is typical Fort Erie. Let it happen and then have a party/event to share memories and pictures. F that.
I fully agree with that, as well are many other people in the Ridgeway area! The DSBN is simply wasteful and think the tax payer have money to throw away!
DeleteThe cost of the demolition is a shameful waste of money, even if the DSBN wasnt going to build on that site again. The people that live in that area will have to put up with months if not years of demolition then construction noise and disruption. The main street of Ridgeway as well as the narrow street behind the site will be impacted for years. Is this part of the present governments attempt to create jobs? Destroying historic old schools and building "new" structures? There are a lot more cost effective ways to create employment than this. You would think after all the years the Niagara area has existed in the country, well before confederation, there would be some smarter people in charge. It just doesent seem to be the case. There must be some other motive for such stupidity that no one who is "on the inside" dare mention.
ReplyDeleteThursday June 18, court day to sort out 4 councilors complicated interactions brought to light by some other refried political puppet? It wont be over that quickly. Too bad,as we have much more pressing articles on the agenda. However it will, as it has, provide a much uneeded distraction to the dishonesty we are starting to see come to fruition especially at the last council meeting. Distractions are good, especially if the underhanded dealings of the last few meetings are any indication.
ReplyDeleteso the Bullies are quiet tonight, guess Bonito had nothing positive to say after his morning session at the court house. GEE maybe they aren't so full of piss & vinegar after all!!