Wednesday, November 26, 2014


UPDATE: CMS has finally opened an office in Fort Erie. About time.

Been out of commission for a few days due to stomach flu, No time for much of anything. Anything new happen in Fort Erie? Another fire? What's going on? 

Did anyone attend the mayor's send-off? Hope so. He sure has a lot of friends. Meanwhile there was a Friends of Crystal Beach meeting last night. Very interesting from what I've heard.

BTW, just listening to talk radio about the Jian Ghomeshi and a clip of one of his interviews just played. Why does he sound (Jian) just like Mike Cloutier? Inquiring minds want to know.

Between Bill Cosby and Jian Ghomeshi and their "alleged" multiple sexual assaults, it makes me wonder just how corrupt law enforcement is in North America. WOW. My thoughts go out to all the victims of sexual abuse. Every woman I know, including myself, has been sexually harassed at some time in her life. Some of us managed to turn the tables and survive. Many were affected for life. And when it's a person in power (usually it is) it is that much harder for a victim to be believed. 

On to Ferguson: so much wrong there, it's almost beyond fixing. I was listening to the coverage of the Grand Jury "No Indictment" decision when I got ill.  I'm still sick.  

So, I'm taking a break to get well.  Carry on. I will post your comments.


  1. Hope you're feeling better. :-)

    1. Thanks. I am feeling better. A friend is bringing me some of that World Famous Won Ton Soup from Country Donuts in the Falls. Should set me up. Nothing like some Chinese Penicillin to cure what ails me.

  2. The rumour mill says that an announcement about the Canada Speedway will be made today, anybody have the inside dope on this.???Wednesday.

    1. I've tried to stay away from the CMS issue but I will be very surprised if this ever happens. I do hope the announcement is a positive one though. Fort Erie really could use some good news. Too bad many probably missed a "round-table discussion" with the president of Brock University and how to resolve the brain drain of college graduates from the area. Good strides are being made to keep graduates in the area. Pointed out plans in other cities, like Hamilton and Buffalo that have worked to keep the next generation in Niagara. Did not hear any mention of high rises keeping the kids from moving away. Bets practice: internships and co-opts with local industries and companies. 97% of the students who participate in these programs get jobs out of university. Truth too is that only 23% of Brock Students are from Niagara. Positive discussion with real ideas and results.

    2. It was on 610AM this morning. may be available by podcast.

  3. Anyone out there? What is the CMA? Canadian... something..? Lets enjoy the calm before the storm. Indications are that the upcoming meetings of the council will be a lot more about pushing through an agenda than listening to the concerns of the electorate. That always causes a collective gasp of what the hell?? It did with the last group with their legal moves and it will likely again with this bunch. The fry trucks of planet Jarvis are for sale the cook told us.Two for 50,000$ was mentioned.Would have made a good going away gift for the Dougulator. Could have sold jewelery between fry orders, in the parking lot of the million dollar pamphlet and bathroom break monolith they call a welcome centre.

    1. Sorry for the typo. Thanks for the reminder.Yeah, the Welcome Centre stands as a monument to a place that Just Doesn't Get it. It could have been a hub for transportation and tourism in Fort Erie with proper management and forward-thinking people running it.

      Here's something that scares me: the local Chambers of Commerce have gotten involved in the election of the Regional Council Chair. The Chair is elected by the Regional Council in a vote held in December. The CoCs seem to be more interested in local politics than in promoting local businesses. When did they become Citizens United?

  4. taxpayer open your walletNovember 27, 2014 at 1:52 PM

    CMS can now say to the Province--"look we have an office and thousands are coming to get our job offerings--now give us 60 million for our infrastructure (oh did we originally say we had bags of money and we would pay for it? oops)"

    So far the Town has waived development fees for the track, and given a tax incentives for the "centre of excellence" and R&D, as well as spent cash defending the Official Plan change at OMB. All for those marvelous seasonal jobs!

    Let's see, 60 million could be spent on heath care--a true hospital in the area with real jobs that attract professionals to the Niagara area, or maybe Ontario can focus on paying down the deficit instead and let developers pay their own way.

    From what I hear CMS still has not purchased all the property they will need. They want to be sure there is no "risk". What risk? They have all the government ok's except site plan which will be granted easily by Town and Region. Seems the only "risk" is that they will have to pay their own way!

    1. EXACTLY!!!! you nailed it there "Taxpayer Open Your Wallet"...........and for what a couple dozen part time jobs cutting grass and doing security???.

      Meanwhile local real estate will plummet in value. Don't believe me??? ask IMPACT , the property tax people. it's called "Property Stigmatization" Anyone within a couple mile radius, which is most of the town will feel it. The local politicians keep ramming it through to give the appearance to a job desperate electorate that they are actually doing something to turn this shit hole around. Those opportunities left before Dirty Doug was first elected over 30 years ago and any forward looking ideas for the greater good have been squashed repeatedly since to give BACKHANDERS to an old boy or any other insider with connections(hmmmm Bay Beach??!!! for one).

      Fort Stupid..........where people vote to screw themselves and pay big $$$$ to keep the local ruling elite well off.

    2. I was thinking the same thing. Really, people fall for this? They would sell their souls for the "possibility" of a few jobs. There are no guarantees here, why are we grasping at straws and willing to pay for the privilege???

  5. Wow - I've been thinking about the Welcome Centre too! As in, what is the thought process behind expensive Welcome to Fort Erie signage when the Welcome Centre couldn't survive? Passed by it today and the sign for Historic Bridgeburg. Who are we welcoming and what would we show them? Am I an embittered naysayer? No, I love this town - remembering it as I would my own childhood. And now I gotta grieve the fry truck = (
    Stay strong.

  6. Get yourself informed about this staff proposal to spend $200.000...TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND of tax money on the gateway project...a proposal to welcome folks to Ont. To Canada to the QEW to the Peace Bridge. What it doesn.t welcome you to is Fort Erie attractions like a Marina, a viable track, slot machines, a tourist bureau, an operational Hospital, a lighthouse you can get to, a swimming pool, clean beaches. GET REAL and tell our new Council to invest that money in our Town and not on something that will benefit everyone but Fort Erie.

  7. Fry trucks for sale not to be cancelled. Wouldnt hurt to expand that menu for sure. Great opportunity for someone or a group or even a service club fund raiser. Cant just push deep fried stuff (potatoes) for too long before the client base dries up. Food trucks are a big business in some places but they serve a lot more stuff than potatoes. With a little imagination could be a real winner for someone. Hope that sad grease bus parked at the Can Tire can take a hint. Have your health card ready when the goo from some of that 10 dollar fishy hits your gall bladder. This is 2014 not a 1950's style drive in. Someone who realizes the potential is going to make a lot of money on up to date street food.

    1. I had suggested this for Crystal Beach but it could work on Jarvis: Food Truck Days. They have them in other cities. Invite a bunch of food trucks in for a day of the week or around a festival/event. Variety will draw people. Love the French Fry Truck on Jarvis but there are endless possibilities as well. In the summer, there are food trucks in the new Larkin Square area in downtown Buffalo. Draws thousands.

  8. Add some local/live music and you've got a little "Springlicious" happening. :-)

  9. Excelent idea from D&C, there is so little public music here its shamefull. Even recorded music would be most welcome in the public spaces we enjoy. We have heard the argument against such "goings on's" as "music is so personal". Well, yah..its meant to be shared... No buskers to be seen in any area of the main or the wide green spaces of the walkways along the river. That aint right.

  10. talking about the French Fry truck, of Jarvis Street, a fellow by the name of Nick Milleni once owned it, back in the 1980s he got himself elected to council, and helped kill off many corporations that wanted to come to Fort Erie. he finally left when he got a job with the Ontario Government, doing liquor licence approvals. which at the time , I thought good riddance, except another dolt turned up by the name of Doug Martin and the rest is water down the drain along with our tax money.!!!

  11. "...crickets..." Awww come on guys! Let's clash a few cymbols or play March of the Toreadors or sumpthin' Happy Dec. 1st !


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