Monday, December 1, 2014



The new council was sworn in. Certain new members were able to hide their hypocrisy long enough to take the oath of office.  The Great Unwashed were not in attendance, according to sources that were in attendance. I have a feeling that they are now completely out of the loop, having served their purpose. I do wish that the present council focuses on the average people of Fort Erie, not just the members of the Chamber of Commerce's will.  There is much to be done and budget deliberations are coming up.  Let's see if this council keeps the taxes as low as the previous council.  All the rest is rhetoric.

 Yesterdays the first day of the new council, headed by the old/new mayor. This is where the rubber meets the road and the "campaign for change" will be put to the test.

To those who feel they have been left behind while the politics of retribution have played out in council for the last for years: do you think that the Chamber Maids are going to represent you? Of course not. They owe their place on council to their supporters on the CofC and they will be loyal to their benefactors above the average taxpayer.

 For, where else have four of those elected in 2010 subjected to billboards, bad publicity and lawsuits? At least, some who voted against The Four, think the lawsuits will end now that three have been defeated.  Clue: you have no idea what is in store going forward. The town is on the hook for numerous potential lawsuits, once the original conflict of interest lawsuit is complete. Certain councillors, newly-elected, will come under scrutiny for their part in the lawsuits.

And I will be here to report on and call attention to every little detail of their existence on council. Especially the work of the Chamber Maids.

Too bad I can't afford a billboard or two.


  1. The sooner Butt gets served for her part in suing JH and winning his seat the better. Maybe at her swearing in will be enuff to em bare ass her. The Chamber Maids both have fulltime jobs and families so expect them to show up Mondays and put their hands up as instructed. Fresh ideas from dem will be non existant . Two more photo opportunists.

  2. Shular and Zanko are the chair and vice chair of Corporate Services. These two will be responsible for the upcoming 2015 budget. Predicated on this info I'd say we are screwed, especially if Shular uses his tuteledge to teach Kim about the apples to oranges principle per say, but I guess that is a mute point.

    1. Well, Zanko will at least be able to gyrate better than Shular. Just saw Dumb and Dumber To. I believe I know where the inspiration for the movie came from.

  3. Poor Wayne...if Schlar and Zanko are the best we have to offer for control of our purse strings we got a serious problem. Barbie spends as much on her appearance as some folks budget for food. The first thing they need to get straight is just say NO,,,No to the staff proposal for spending $200,000 on a sign to folks to see as they drive past FE. Until we have something to offer they may as well keep driving .Spend that Two Hundrd Thousand on Fort Erie not on an expensive sign.

  4. So special invitations were sent out to tonights shindig...too bad that Pissaro and Noise, Dean and all other candidates who ran in the election could not have been included on the VIP mailing list. Would have been a generous extension of a hand of friendship to include those who spent time and money in a good race to better our Town.

  5. That would be some sign...$200,000 ? If so we should hope that isnt like the signage used outside the town hall where those red letters cant be seen in the setting sun as we drive along the Garrison heading east. Very high tek but the cracker that got that electrick gozmo built into the new "plan" must have forgot there are people outside on sunny days in summer that cant see what the heck that signage is saying for hours at a time. Heres one driver that hopes they dont make a similar mistake. (As well we hope someone can correct that strange expencive oversight after 18 years or so?)

    1. I'm still wondering about the $2 million that came from the tourism ministry a few years ago that disappeared into the race track owner's coffers, never to be heard from again.

  6. Special invitations sent out to the first of the rather guilty looking group that sits and looks out on the wide eyed spectators who show up to hear what is going on in the town council. Sort of like watching the TV to see what the weather might be like tomorrow. What is going on behind? As we sit looking on these rather inexperienced strangers we are reminded why so many talented smart people just wont put themselves through the election process for 6 or 7 thousand dollars pay and leave it for people that want to promote an agenda that might make their payday a little sweeter. It goes on all over the world its too bad it has to happen here where we need a real group of independent thinkers, not a bunch of clubhouse clingons where they majority of the council has got where they are by being afraid of speaking out, and supporting the status quo. The public gets what they pay for. Now watch what a thrift store grade council delivers to a town that needs real talent, at a time that will likely mean the difference between bordertown QEW culdesac backwoods and real progressive year 2020 foreward thinking. That shot of our council judging santeclaus floats was just sad. Again with the old Bob Newhart show scripts. When if ever is this tiny town going to grow up?

  7. I remember when a man from Ward #6 ran for council , he was just retired from CN Rail and worked as a Manager in the Black Rock depot, he controlled and kept track of literally thousands of box cars and loads all over North America. also a veteran, the people voted for a school teacher who's claim to fame was lobbing tennis balls around. We know who got elected the tennis player and coach, and people wonder why this Town is so screwed up.???

  8. Watch for Butler growing fat at the trough, as if she hasn't made enough off the backs of desperate job seekers in this town already.

    Zanko and Schular don't possess enough brains to be too too dangerous, at least with any original ideas. Butler is another matter. Smart, calculating, devoid of scruples and always looking out for HER bottom line. With her wagon hitched to Jimmie Dirt Bag it means higher taxes to keep them both wallowing ever deeper in the public trough.

    Fort Stupid, now we will pay for it.

  9. Civic minded politicians do not engage in bullying, insulting, degrading, lying, and lawsuits unless they have their own agenda. They are elected to represent the people, not engage in dirty politics. A few have already shown their true colours and I can't believe they were voted into office. They do not belong there! As their terms in public office start to reveal their objectives, I hope people will see them for who they truly are. I don't think the oath of office holds much promise or means very much to some of them. It's a sorry state in more ways than one.

  10. Will trust you Sharon to keep tabs on the Barbie dolls. I think the first project will be to watch for possible conflicts of interest of which these two will be responsible for many, Count the number of times these two won,t be able to vote and see if the voters are getting their moneys worth. I can see many situations coming where they can,t vote and our destiny will be in the hands of four Councillors,....a rookie, a blogging blowhard,a predicator and Mr Lubberts. And by the way soon before JT is fired for using taxpayer money to personally sue a Councillor.

  11. I have yet to read anything positive here. We have judged and sentenced these people before they're officially in office. As far as I am concerned, it's good to see some females in council and it's good to see some business people. Let's give them a chance and stop the crabbing.

    1. What Butler and Zanko have done to get that positionn show's that they have no integrity and should be scrutinized for everything.

  12. I remember when we did have 3 females on council, one was a real estate lady the other two were homemakers, The female Mayor who's husband was a lawyer in Town was responsible for the new library corner of Central . but also responsible for a small water line put in to service Stevensville, ever since the village has been plagued with fires and no water pressure. So we shall see what wonders the chamber maids have in store for us.

    1. I'm all for women on council, just not the two who were elected. Zanko does not have the gravitas or intellect to be effective. She will be taking her orders from others or following the lead of Cruella deRidgeway who helped fund a lawsuit against The Four councillors. That alone puts her in a bad light; I have no respect for Butler - and she deserves none. I am not alone in that assessment of her.

      Sorry to hear of Rick Shular's illness. Hope he makes amends for what he has done to some innocent people in this community. One of whom is dead. But many know the story and are waiting for him to acknowledge his participation in it. Just because he is ill does not excuse him for his acts.

  13. Dear Happy Days.Along with many voters you have had your head stuck in the proverbial place. These two Chicks were part of a four year campaign to unseat sitting Councillors and that's how they got those seats. Butt was a financier of the frivolous lawsuit that besmirched the names of the four and Barbie was the spokesman of the group that placed a negative Bay Beach billboard and distributed flyers against the four to every household. Is that the way Canadian elections are decided? Perhaps the election was fair but unwitting voters put into office two very deceitful ladies who should hang their heads in shame...shame for how they got there. They bear careful watching,

    1. Back when I was in the corporate world, we had a name for women like Zanko and Butler. Cannot repeat it here, but most know what I'm talking about. As I became more involved in union organizing, I encountered many, far too many, women like Zanko and Butler who were on the management side of the table. They made me sick.

  14. Do tell...whats wrong with Ricky?

    1. Serious. Cancer. It would be apparent if you watch the coverage of the inauguration on Cogeco Channel 10 at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow.

  15. Is it OK if someone asks for a budget that doesent include any tax or fee increases? After all the years of increases and needless wastage isnt it time for someone to say the words "enough for now"? Not as an election slogan or some wishfull thinking but a real position on how the people of this town have been squeezed over the last few years beyond reason? Small business owners looking at tax increases that seem to have no bearing on any real or imagined increase in services or improvements. Homeowners who pay larger and larger amounts of money to some 'cash strapped' town coffer that seems to never have enough? When the budget items come up for consideration we should remember that an increase in home building should offer a little relief for the people that already live here by sharing the burden of taxation. Those who use the services should pay for them. The last few councils were so out of touch on that point. Maybe this new one could start by getting a little more carefull about wastefull spending and give all of us an example to follow in the council chambers and in the homefront.

  16. I wonder if Rick may have breathed in that blue/green, very dangerous toxic algae, he once brought together a crew to remove truck loads of that algae, from Waverly Beach., I sent a warning to the local Pravda , that one needs hazmat gear to mess around with that stuff. If that is so, he also was warned about the dumping of raw sewage into Black Creek by the Town of Fort Erie .I also warned the entire council, still have the several pages of briefs. Perhaps it is karma, as they voted to let Parklane Homes, to violate the Judges rulings.

  17. I'm still giving them the benefit of the doubt. Judge not lest ye be judged comes to mind....

  18. Well, if we're going to start quoting Scripture, "By their fruits ye shall know them." ; )

  19. The bible also says " for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap". The chambermaids sowed hatred and lies on the previous council, and Mcdoormat and Nutbar aided and abetted. Time to reap your rewards.

  20. Anything going on over at the (white elephant) horse track? Does that property just sit there frozen and empty for months at a time while as the snow melts the management of the "grand old lady" (as the Dougulator put it) come out of their holes like marmotts (or maybe back from some warm southerly location) to look for a bag of tax money to gnaw on to get their dirt track ready to torture the horses on? Shouldnt the people that attend that sad show be asked to pay something in the way of an entry ticket to offset the drain that mismanaged loop has been on the taxpayers of this town? (including nutty salaries to staff overseeing the snow drifts that occupy the place a good part of the year?) Just wondering as we see front page news about first night in Niagara Falls, (all be it with a goat roper show headlining this year) and the financial wind fall this small but effective effort produces for the finances of that area. Need some sort of original ideas here to show the area we arnt just following the crowd but offer somthing to people far and wide that is worth attending and enjoying the social and financial benefits that come with such an effort.

  21. The Inaugural Session is on Channel 10 at 11 a.m. Thursday.

  22. I am partial to an eye for an eye and a lawsuit for a lawsuit. Like Robert I often wondered how that track facility could sit unused for the 5 dark days every season. There are so many attractions that could be run from other horse events to flea markets., dog shows, track and field, music events . Time they put some thought over there to fund raising possibilities and stop holding out their hats for taxpayers to fund their fun and games

  23. How could anyone in their right mind say mayor martin was a class act?

    A class act does not berate others, does not misrepresent himself in a grudge lawsuit, does not rant at others in Town Council Meetings and does not shout to all media that his own Town of Fort Erie is CLOSED FOR BUSINESS because one development on a tiny public waterfront was not accepted by the community there.
    A classy mayor does not issue nasty remarks to higher levels of government when he doesn't get his way. That kind of behaviour has not benefitted Fort Erie.

    Mayor Wayne Redekop works well with others and was the perfect choice to represent this town. He has class and dignity. He has a tough job ahead with a lame Council and damaged Town reputation to mend.

  24. Must have been sweet when there seemed to be no interest in any large businesses coming to the "end of the road" in Fort Erie with little or no support from any levels of government and the leadership says the town is closed for business. What a great way to hide the incompetence economic development staff are polishing to a high shine. Always someone elses fault is it?? Lets hope the new group of fresh fish in the aquarium we call town "haul" have a little more far sighted vision and a plan to try to pull the towns feet out of the mud and get things to improve. Closed for business? In a way. Closed minded for businss was more like it.A lot more than a track to race cars on is going to be needed, and soon.

  25. A class act? They have it half right. An act for sure and one we dont want to see repeated. Class? What class is that? The cl part we dont agree with but the rest of the word is pretty spot on. Now we have to wait and see if the new group elected in with 45 percent voter turnout can rise above that level of small town thinking and dont try to push through development on the tiny bit of public land left in this area. And please nail some tin on the roof of that strange looking gazebo down in bridgeburg. At least make it the one covered bus shelter for the public "transit" system in the area.(besides the lobby at the wallmart).

  26. Some of those needful things would be imagination, honesty and freedom from fear.

  27. Would a mayor who CARED about the Fort Erie taxpayers tell the media that he agrees with the Molinaro TEN MILLION DOLLAR lawsuit against the Town?

    Town Insurance Lawyers asked that Council not publicly respond!
    Thank goodness Mayor Redekop knows the law and will protect us taxpayers.

  28. Mayor martin standing up for the people of Fort Erie?

    What community benefits were we going to get from the Molinaro development?

    a public pavilion? NO
    public washrooms and change rooms? NO
    a concession stand? NO
    any upland space at all? NO

    upkeep expenses? YES

  29. martin - no regrets, no conscience!


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